Four kids named Dylan, Sam, Ash, and Iko form a club called Team Toon, drawn together by their shared love of cartooning. In their club they produce the popular online viral series called "Psycho Squirrel", and they are popular at their school for their creation. However, their club isn't just a hobby. Dylan discovers that they have the power to make their cartoon creations come to life and use it to form a superhero squad of the same name to fight rogue cartoon monsters that take over the minds...
In 1940s Germany, a young boy stumbles upon a Jewish girl in hiding....
Short film adaptation of Daniel Clowes' "Ice Haven"...
A story of survival about a woman's first night in a Soviet prison camp. After committing a crime to protect her son, Anastasia is sentenced to 12 years in a Soviet prison camp. Her arrival upsets the balance between the inmates. In a night of backstabbing and shifting alliances, she must find a way to escape and discover the hidden truth of her survival....