'Los Espabilados' tells the story of Mickey L'Angelo, Guada, Yeray, Lucas and Samuel, a group of extraordinary young people who escape from a psychiatric center in search of their place in the world. Despite their clinical diagnoses, these boys face life with humor and courage because inside they are clear that it is society that is sick and not them. The boys will go on a journey through Europe to find the brother of one of them, while they are facing their daily medical conditions. In this ser...
90s. Summer begins outside a sunny rural town. Marta, cheerful and innocent 12 -year -old girl, enjoys her friends playing football, swimming in the river, riding a bicycle and building the same cabin every year. Everything in his world within the town is perfect, but Marta is different from the other girls: in addition to being the leader of her gang of friends, she is the only girl in the group. Although gender has never been a problem in their friendship, this is about to change: Loren, a 16...
While Carlos, a banking executive, takes his two kids to school in his car, he gets a phone call telling him that there is a bomb under the seats and he must to gather a large amount of money; otherwise, his car will blow up....