Les Belles Histoires des pays d'en haut is a Canadian television drama series, which aired on Radio-Canada from 1956 to 1970. One of the longest-running programs in the history of Canadian television, the series produced 495 episodes during its 14-year run and was one of the first influential téléromans. Written by Claude-Henri Grignon as an adaptation of his 1933 novel Un Homme et son péché and initially set in the 1880s, the series starred Jean-Pierre Masson as Séraphin Poudrier, the wealthy ...
Viens voir les comédiens is a television show on the Canadian French-language arts and culture television network ARTV....
A rich, lonely woman hires a drifter as a live-in handyman. The drifter turns out to be a psycho artist who has beautiful women model for him....
Survivors of the 1945 bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki travel to New York for a UN conference on disarming nuclear weapons....