Casseta & Planeta is a Brazilian group of comedians who run a TV show named Casseta & Planeta Urgente, broadcast by Rede Globo. The humour featured on the show is mostly satirical, relating to religious or ethical groups, and minorities. The group founded a company called Toviassu Produções Artísticas, whose name is an acronym composed of syllables from the phrase "Todo viado é surdo" – "Every gay is deaf"; which is the ending of a widely known Brazilian practical joke. Each one of the seven me...
The trajectory of the clumsy reporter Agamenon Mendes Pereira, always present in key events of history, his biggest scoops and his eternal love for Isaura, who survives his unexpected travels around the world, in search of news and fame....
A satire about the dictatorship period in Brazil, in which communist militants try to steal the soccer World Cup Trophy from the players Pelé and Carlos Alberto Torres....
In this highly stylized Brazilian drama a sax player fondly remembers one wonderful night spent with his life's love and decides to find her again. He embarks upon a quest through the wild streets of Rio to find her. Along the way he meets an assortment of odd urban underworld characters....
A portrays of the period in which Brazilian humor had fewer limits (1986-2003), free from military dictatorship....
Dr. Botelho Pinto is an idealistic lawyer with a fixed idea: to put an end to Tabajara Organizations once and for all. Before the judge of the First Family Court: First the Mother, Then the Daughter, Botelho accuses the business empire of testing on its favela client Lindauro das Dores a medicine with an unexpected side effect: it awakens in dogs in heat an uncontrollable sexual appetite for the patient....
In this Brazilian mockumentary, Paulo, Manuel, Eric and Alex all have a shared dream: to make a blockbuster action movie. The challenge is immense, as it requires bringing their grandiose ideas down to Earth. Each is equally passionate and narrow-minded about what they do, and in spite of a predilection for getting into trouble, nothing will stop them from pursuing fame, success, and the money they lack for the project in one hilarious misadventure after another....