Juro que te amo is a Mexican telenovela produced by Martha Patricia López de Zatarain for Televisa in 2008, starring young actress Ana Brenda Contreras. The show is a domestic drama about a wealthy family who loses everything and finds that they were only liked for their money. It premiered on 28 July 2008 and concluded on 6 February 2009. Re-make to the novela Los Parientes Pobres...
Amorcito Corazón is a Mexican telenovela produced by Televisa by Lucero Suarez. Rehabilitation of the Venezuelan RCTV telenovela Trapos Intimos. It stars Elizabeth Álvarez, Diego Olivera, Africa Zavala and Daniel Arenas, involving Fabiola Campomanes, Gerardo Murguia and Macaria as the main villains and stellar performances by the leading lady Mariana Karr, and Grettell Valdez. Canal de las Estrellas broadcast Amorcito Corazón from August 29, 2011, to June 10, 2012, with Cachito de Cielo replaci...
Bajo la misma piel, or internationally known as Under your Skin, is a Mexican television series produced by Televisa starting in 2003. It is an original telenovela from Martha Carrillo and Cristina García. Despite huge exposure prior to its premiere, Bajo la misma piel was only a moderate success in its country of origin, Mexico....
Pasión is the telenovela that began transmissions on September 17, 2007, in Mexico; Canal de las Estrellas. The novela is a production of Carla Estrada and the stars are Susana González, Fernando Colunga, Sebastián Rulli, and Daniela Castro....
La Dueña (Mexico) is a Mexican telenovela produced by Florinda Meza in 1995 for Televisa. It was transmitted by El Canal de las Estrellas in Mexico and Univision in the United States in 1995 and 1998, and on Galavisión in 2000....
Mi destino eres tú is a 2000 Mexican telenovela. It is a production of Carla Estrada and the protagonists were Lucero and Jorge Salinas....
After a chance encounter with a mysterious couple claiming to be old friends, Andrés and Ana are invited to spend the evening at a beautiful, secluded old villa. As the night winds down, they begin to sense that there are some rather strange things going on around them and, after agreeing to sleep over, find themselves unwittingly pulled into a series of bizarre sexual encounters which they slowly discover are part of a horrifying Satanic ritual designed to make them slaves to the Prince of Dark...
Describes the internal life of a girls' school from families of strong economic position that traditionally, laziness or comfort transferred to various educational institutions responsible for the moral, intellectual, social and spiritual girls used to a life without problems, the most with terrible examples of marital relationship and behavior of their parents. Thus fall into emotional chaos, led to drugs, violence, prostitution and sexual deviations....
A rebel son decides not to follow his father steps to follow his dreams of fame and popularity....
To save a television show, an administrator proposes a show involving three young singers....