An ordinary senior high school girl named Mika meets Hiro, a showy boy with dyed hair and pierced ears. It is a "pure love" story of the two going through many unimaginably sad incidents while nurturing their love single-mindedly. It not only depicts the first love of the senior high school couple but also weaves "a story of Mika and Hiro" through episodes probably familiar to anybody, such as warmth and affection of their family members supporting the two, importance of living, interactions wit...
Kohei Kuryu is a former juvenile delinquent who drops out of junior high and goes on to earn a high school equivalency diploma. After passing the law board exams, Kuryu becomes a prosecutor. Not your typical prosecutor, which is quickly seen through the clothes that he wears, Kuryu possesses quick instincts and a kind of cleverness that only someone raised on the streets could have. Maiko Amamiya is a shrewd public prosecutor who has her eyes set on passing the exam to become a deputy prosecut...