Following the lives of five young women in Barcelona. Close friends whose professional lives, friendships, love, passion and sense of humour make up a series of stories that revolve around self-assurance and loyalty to one's principles...
Looking for love, sex, or just someone to move away from the loneliness, the characters in " Cites " meet face to face, after meeting online, laden with uncertainties and hopes. Based on the original format of the British series " Dates " Brian Elsley . Each episode of the series , located in Barcelona , focuses on two of these quotations , which come into play fears , secrets and expectations of its protagonists. A staff relations existing partner network around a character that cross each othe...
A group of high school friends meet again after 25 years to attend the funeral of a mutual friend, and from that point on they try to recover their friendship....
A group of high school friends meet again after 25 years to attend the funeral of a mutual friend, and from that point on they try to recover their friendship....
A family divided between two continents put their differences aside when one of them is diagnosed with cancer....
Alex,Gabi and Oki, three teenagers living in a big city, are completely unknown to their parents, to their teachers and for themselves. Their emotional isolation, led to the limit, will have unexpected and terrible consequences that will shake society....
Like the four seasons, the love history of four friends is recounted at 4 different times. One doesn't love her husband anymore, another is a single mother, the next one has an unfaithful husband and finally there is room for the shy spinster too....
Alex, a shy and introverted, is a film director trying to finish writing his latest script. Decided to leave a few days of his wife and children to go to the Pyrenees and find there the peace and inspiration. In the town where he is met Monica, a violinist who is on vacation at a friend's house. Love grows between them and will face feelings that have to control and hide. Feelings that may never expressed....
Ona lives peacefully with her teenage son in a quiet village of the Pyrenees where she works as a gardener, although her big dream is to pilot a tourist plane. One day, everything changes for Ona when some foreigners, a group of henchmen, arrive in the village and bring to light certain dark secrets of her life which she had forgotten about. She will then be compelled to face those secrets from the past once and for all....
LIANG HUAN is a young man with a Chinese mother and a Spanish father who grew up in the suburbs of Barcelona. He makes a living giving as a kung fu teacher and dealing with his neighborhood friends: PARDALES, a thief by profession who is like a cat with nine lives, and TRACAS, a drug dealer who is dim-witted, but with a big heart. Liang's great love is PEI LAN, a beautiful and mysterious student who attends his classes. What LIANG doesn't know is that Pei Lan is the daughter of SOONG, head of th...
In Madrid, a petty thief who cannot adjust to life outside of jail puts together a theater troupe her friends -- a prostitute, a gypsy, and a Colombian immigrant -- in an attempt to make a go at a relatively straight life....
Claudia, a ten-year-old girl, leaves with her family to spend the weekend out of town. During their car trip, they decide to take a short rest at an abandoned gas station. The appearance of a strange woman will reveal her true fate to Claudia....
An immigration lawyer and a Nigerian woman caught in a ring of corruption team up to uncover the truth behind a suspicious death in a detention center....
A blind man, haunted by his past, who pays a visit to the monastery of Poblet. The goal is to help a friend steal the relics hidden by some Slovenian monks. There, however, he is reunited with the woman who has always loved him....