Dragons and Princesses is a 2010 French computer animation television program written, storyboarded and directed by Michel Ocelot and produced at Studio O for Canal+. It is a fairy tale anthology series of ten further 13-minute episodes in the format established in Ciné si. Five of the episodes are edited, with a feature-exclusive sixth, into the 2011 stereoscopic compilation movie Tales of the Night....
A French crime anthology show, and one of two entires (with "Intrigues") in the "Drôles d'histoires" umbrella title that ran for 10 years....
Sue, a lawyer living her life in the fast lane needs to go to the most important meeting of her career. On the way, a car breakdown forces her into the forest. During her wandering, she will find her true self....
A man goes off to Paris to start his new job at a bank. When he falls in love with a beautiful woman, he decides to work as her maid -- until he discovers she not only is his boss, but his colleague at the bank....
Five further stories from the French designer, writer and director Michel Ocelot: La Maîtresse des monstres, Le Pont du petit cordonnier, Le Mousse et sa chatte, L'Écolier sorcier, and Ivan Tsarévitch et la Princesse Changeante. This compilation movie has only been released in Japan....
Wed just as war breaks out, Jeanne hardly gets to know her military husband, Louis, before the debacle of 1940. While waiting for his return from a POW camp, Jeanne journeys through countless affairs with Louis' comrades- in-arms. Hoping to forget these wartime betrayls, Louis takes his wife and the infant twins he didn't father to Berlin, where she falls for Matthais, a sensitive German industrialist. When the Indochinese war sends Louis to Vietnam, Matthais follows Jeanne back to France. A sub...
Two friends organize a fake solidarity concert in order to seize the recipe. But their amateurism leads to many misunderstandings....
Four tales about princesses and adventurers around the world: The Mistress of Monsters, The Wizard Student, The Ship's Boy and His Cat, and Ivan Tsarevitch and his changeable princess....
With the help of her delivery-boy friend, Dilili, a young Kanak, investigates a spate of mysterious kidnappings of young girls that is plaguing Belle Epoque Paris. In the course of her investigation she encounters a series of extraordinary characters, each of whom provides her with clues that will help her in her quest....
In 1830s France, pianist/composer Frédéric Chopin is pursued romantically by the determined, individualistic woman who uses the name George Sand....