The Secrets of Isis is the syndicated title of a live action CBS television series produced by Filmation in the 1970s originally titled Isis that appeared during the Saturday morning cartoon lineup. The show was also aired in various countries around the world. As indicated on commentary in the 2007 DVD release of the series, and supported by examining broadcast premiere dates, The Secrets of Isis was the first weekly American live-action television series whose lead character was a female super...
Adventures of two orphaned brothers, Tim and Taylor, whose parents were killed by a tornado in the Gulf of Mexico. The brothers meet Clancy, an old circus hand, who was driving a bus. Aboard the bus was a menagerie including a pig, a pelican and a sea lion named Salty. Clancy adopts the two boys and takes them to his home, a marina....
A teacher conducts an experiment in an American high school where students learn how easy it is to be seduced by the same social forces which led to the horrors of Nazi Germany. Based on a true story....
Phillipe Charboneau is the illegitimate son of an English duke. When he travels from France to England to claim his inheritance, he incurs the wrath of his father's family and is forced to flee to America, where he becomes involved in the events leading to the American Revolution. (Episodes 1 and 2 of the Kent Chronicles miniseries.)...
The early life and struggles of Judy Garland (portrayed by Andrea McArdle), and of the film star's trials as a youngster in dealing with the movie studio system that held her back while her mother was forever pushing her to excel....
A precocious young girl and her younger brother run away from home and hide in the Metropolitan Museum in New York....
In post-Civil War Kentucky, young David Burnic becomes the unexpected heir to the family secret, a map leading to buried treasure on the Florida isle of Matecumbe....
A spoiled little rich boy learns what life is really like after he falls overboard in the middle of the ocean and is picked up by a crusty old sea captain....
Three orphans from very different backgrounds find themselves living with the same foster couple while waiting to be adopted....