This series takes place at a cutting-edge city hospital. The first season follows Ella, a skilled obstetrician who leads a team of fellow medical professionals. Together, they must perform under immense pressure. The healthcare providers and their patients represent all walks of life and amidst their many triumphs and struggles, laughter and tears occur in equal measure. The thin line between one's personal life and one's professional life becomes increasingly blurred when working such long hour...
Danni Lowinski is a hairdresser in need of money who decides to become a lawyer....
Lois Elzinga, a detective with the Alkmaar police, has her very private life come to the fore against the background of three tough cases in this thriller series based on the trilogy penned by Simone van der Vlugt....
The playful teacher, Mr. Casey, and his cheerful class tackle school life against Principle Dreus....
Class 6b is going camping, led by Mees Kees and Principal Dreus. But after Dreus strains her back all responsibility suddenly rests on the shoulders of Kees. When things go wrong, he begins to doubt himself. But he soon learns that it is not about making mistakes, but about how to solve them....
The big end-of-term play is approaching. Tobias is somewhat anxious, but with Mees Kees at the helm, everything should be just fine. The class looks forward to rehearsing in the afternoons and to making beautiful scenery - until they find out that Principal Dreus has chosen a terribly boring medieval play. Moreover, it is to be staged in a dusty room within a nearby retirement home. But Mees Kees wouldn't be Mees Kees if he didn't put his own twist on things......
The small boy Eryk does the household and takes swimming lessons just to please his demanding father. The only way to break out is to be as courageous as his giant avatar Polska Warrior in the computer game Goldhunter....
Roos is pretty, successful and in her early-thirties. Every time she dreams of marriage, she gets dumped. When she gets invites to weddings from people all around her, she takes her young intern Daan as her date. She puts herself in awkward situations en falls deeply in love with a handsome doctor. They say one marriage leads to the other, but is he the one she'll say "Yes, I do!" to?...
The fourth movie about the popular teacher Mees Kees....
After a bizarre one night stand leaves him infertile, a careless bachelor sets out to connect with the television presenter who, as the result of the anonymous sperm donation he once made, happens to be pregnant with his child....
Mother Marit feels that her son’s primary school does not allow him enough room for his male energy. During the parent-teacher meeting, she seeks recourse. Miss Yvonne tries to keep up a professional attitude, but after the umpteenth reproach she can no longer restrain her pent-up frustration. The exasperation of a teacher who has had to endure countless changes through the years is embodied with explosive rage by Yvonne, in this brutal comedy with finger paint....
Mees Kees goes on a hot air balloon adventure....
When housewife Ms. Van Dam receives an unexpected visit from a stranger needing the toilet, wild fantasies take over. Based on a short story by Jules Deelder....
Handsome, clever final year law student Koen avoids being beaten up by street thugs by claiming he's a maternal cousin of crime baron Henk de Koning. The next day, 'uncle' Henk praises Koen's wit and commandeers his 'cousin's' help to retrieve the treasure presumably hidden by disloyal accomplice Sjon de Nooyer, who was released from jail to a retirement home, by volunteering as an orderly, posing as Sjon's distant relative. Dirty police detective Uitenhaage is after the same fortune, and leans ...
During the annual family weekend in theme park "De Efteling", eleven-year-old Teun discovers that his recently deceased grandfather left him one last scavenger hunt inside the park....
Casey is a student teacher who gets his very first placement in class 5b. He is not sure how to teach yet, but thankfully the children are more than willing to help him....
In this new installment, Mister Twister faces a major challenge as he has to stand on his own. While continuing to inspire his students with creative teaching methods, he deals with changes both at school and in his personal life. The strict principal keeps him on his toes, and his students never fail to surprise him in their own unique ways. Filled with humor and heartwarming moments, the film shows how Mister Twister, despite the obstacles, always manages to bring out the best in his class....