La Patrona is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by United States-based television network Telemundo Studios, Miami and Mexican Argos Comunicación. The telenovela is a remake of the Venezuelan telenovela La Dueña, written by José Ignacio Cabrujas. The name reflects a local term or slang in Mexico to address a person recognized as the main boss. However, the title is also a reflection of both the protagonist and the antagonist struggle to conquer power, authority and respect in a labor field...
Rencor apasionado is a 1998 Mexican telenovela, starring Natalia Esperón, Eduardo Santamarina, Aracely Arámbula and Víctor Noriega. It was produced by Televisa. This telenovela contains 60 episodes....
Soñadoras is a Mexican telenovela. It was produced by and broadcast on Televisa in 1998, and shown in 1999 on Univision....
A story of revenge and ambition, seduction and betrayal; all told from the perspective of an offended and abused woman named Altagracia. Altagracia represents the hundreds of thousands of Mexican women who have been victims of the violence by faceless men who are protected by impunity. But Altagracia, transformed into a strong-willed, ruthless man-eater known as La Doña, will seek out each and every one of these men to bring them to justice....
Corazón salvaje is a Mexican telenovela produced by Salvador Mejía Alejandre in conjunction with Televisa and broadcast on El Canal de las Estrellas. The telenovela debuted on 12 October 2009 at 9:00 pm, replacing Sortilegio, and aired for a total of 135 episodes. The final episode was broadcast on 16 April 2010, and the program was replaced with Soy tu dueña. In the United States, the telenovela debuted on 22 February 2010 at 9:00 pm on Univisión, again replacing Sortilegio. However, beginning ...
Las Vías del Amor is a Mexican telenovela that aired on the Televisa channel in Mexico and Univision in the United States from 2002-2003....
Alma Rebelde is a 1999 Mexican telenovela, starring Lisette Morelos, Eduardo Verástegui and the late Edgar Ponce. It was produced by Televisa. This telenovela contained 90 episodes....
A woman innocent of the crime for which she is accused, has to resist, fight and hide from everyone, especially from her main persecutor, the man she loves....
Abrázame muy fuerte is a Mexican telenovela that aired in 2000–2001, under the production of Salvador Mejia and with Aracely Arámbula and Fernando Colunga as the protagonists....
Tribute to Selena Quintinilla-Perez, featuring musical performances and archive footage....