In 1991, 24-year-old Detective Alexandre Falco has it all, a loving wife, a new-born daughter and his dream job. But one day out in the field, he is shot in the head. Falco opens his eyes again 22 years later to a changed world, where everything he once had is no longer as it was....
A man struggles to survive after being shipwrecked on a deserted island....
The classical story of Robinson Crusoe, a man who is dragged to a desert island after a shipwreck....
Camille was only sixteen and still in high school when she fell in love with Eric, another student. They later married and a child and were happy for a while. But now twenty-five years have passed and Eric leaves her for a younger woman. Bitter and desperate Camille drinks so much liquor at a New Year Eve's party that she falls into an ethylic coma and she finds herself... propelled into her own past! Camille is sixteen again when she wakes up this morning, her parents are not dead anymore and s...
Paul is 20 years old. When he finds out that doctors believe his mother's brain tumor is incurable, he decides to try and save her by himself. His stubbornness will lead him into troubling situations......
A teenager gets together with his girlfriend for the weekend. They decide to make love, whilst their parents are out of sight and nothing should stand in the way of their first time. Or that's the way teenage movies should go....