Mga Basang Sisiw or Lost Children is a Filipino drama television series developed by Dode Cruz and produced by GMA Network. It premiered on June 3, 2013, replacing Unforgettable on the network's coveted Afternoon Prime block, and on June 5, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series is inspired on Agustin dela Cruz's classic Filipino film of the same title and topbilled by Lani Mercado, Raymond Bagatsing, Gardo Versoza, Maxene Magalona, Mike Tan and featuring Renz Valerio, Bianca Umali, Kimberl...
Temptation of Wife is a Filipino drama series developed by Richard Cruz, which premiered on GMA Network on October 29, 2012 in GMA Telebabad block, replacing Luna Blanca, and October 30, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series is a remake of 2008 South Korean hit drama series of the same title. It banners Marian Rivera, Dennis Trillo, Glaiza de Castro and Rafael Rosell as the four main characters of the series. It is under the helm of Dominic Zapata. The show is part of the network's line-u...
Time of My Life is a 2011 Philippine drama billed as a "danserye", created and developed by GMA Network, starring Mark Herras and Kris Bernal. It premiered on August 1, 2011 on GMA Network in the Philippines and on August 3, 2011 on GMA Pinoy TV....
Kung Mawawala Ka was an award-winning epic political thriller and love story Philippine drama produced by GMA Network and directed by Joel Lamangan, in his first TV series. It re-aired internationally on GMA Pinoy TV and recently on GMA Life TV....
Sabel is a Philippine romance primetime drama on ABS-CBN. It premiered on December 6, 2010 and stars Jessy Mendiola, AJ Perez, and Joseph Marco....
Klinik unter Palmen is a German television series....
Klinik unter Palmen is a German television series....
Aside from being a barber, Benjo had to do odd jobs to make both ends meet. His wife is pregnant and in order to provide for his wife and soon-to-be-child, he did a small mission to save his family. Soon enough, because of the easy money he gets, he will become the governor’s bagman....
Victor “Bangis” Lualhati has always been a fighter. As a former boxer, he gets used to overcoming obstacles through tough times. However, when he finds a suspicious message on his wife's phone, he will be faced with a challenge he never saw coming. As Victor investigates, he discovers there is more at play than just a cheating spouse. The deeper he digs, the more shocking realizations he makes....
The story of the soldiers of the 4th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army and their actions during combat. Through multiple perspectives, the story focuses on these soldiers, mainly: Alex Marasigan, an IT expert who quits his desk job and joins because just like his brother, he wants to serve the country, Abraham "Abe" Kamlun, a Tausug Muslim man, who, despite his family's opposition of the move, joins the Army nonetheless, and Michael Mendoza, a boy who joins the Army to provide for his fam...
Lost Hearts (Pusong Ligaw) is a classic story about friendship, love, and achieving dreams. Two women, Tessa and Marga are bound by a promise to keep their friendship forever. This fictional drama follows them through the disintegration of their friendship, the tragedy in their lives and their children's, and their reconciliation....
A former DEA agent forced into early retirement runs a gift shop in in the Philippines. Despite his best efforts to begin a tranquil new life, he’s pulled back into a world of dangerous people and deadly situations, either through his friends in the local police department or running into people from his old life. And the problem is: he likes it....
Despite being the subject of bullying and discrimination because of the big scar on her face, Magda refuses to let criticisms get to her and strives hard to secure a comfortable life for her family. Using her skills and intelligence, she hits the jackpot when the soap she created quickly gains popularity in Salvacion. The young lady's success, however, does not sit well with the Narciso family, the owners of a big cosmetic company. When Magda refuses to sell her formula to the Narcisos due to th...
A 1999 Filipino film starring Jessa Zaragoza...
A nurse whose womanly instincts and gut feel are aroused because of the mysterious cases happening in the hospital where she work. To what revelations her curiosity will lead her to uncover?...
A man appears to a female reporter and claims he is the famous kidnapper that has the world astir and promises to turn himself in if she listens to his story. Though she is suspicious of him, she starts to fall more and more into his story....
The tale of an activist’s journey during the turbulent years of Martial Law, until his capture in the mountains and the dark, nine years of imprisonment that followed, leading to his birth as a poet....
“Sisid” is the story of a videographer, played by Raymond Bagatsing, who was betrayed by women in the past and swears never to be betrayed again. He meets a nightclub performer played by de Rossi. The two have an affair, perhaps even fall in love, but Bagatsing hesitates to commit himself to her. De Rossi tells Bagatsing the story of one of her lovers, played by Rodel Velayo; Velayo was once chauffeur to the beautiful but spoiled daughter (again, de Rossi) of a wealthy fishpond operator. De Ross...
Crisanto Espina, a cop on suspension and under investigation, is tasked to eliminate the suspects involved in a bank robbery/massacre that shocked the whole nation....
Florencia, the matriarch of the Filipinas family, is in poor health, and Yolanda, the eldest of the Filipinas children, finds herself in the unenviable position of keeping her bickering family from disintegration. As the tension rises, Yolanda seeks refuge in a local church. She is critically injured trying to break up a nasty fight between brothers Emman and Samuel, forcing her family to make a life-changing decision....
A ritual performed by women to invoke the gods to grant the blessing of fertility by dancing around a Balete tree that was already a century old....
A wife who just had a miscarriage finds out that her husband is having an affair with a high-end escort. She turns into prostitution and will take her revenge on her......
Kristina "Tina" Moran is a nightclub star performer whose dream is to one day make it big. Her desire for fame and fortune leads her to a string of exciting sex-capades with a variety of men....
A guilt-ridden and disheveled taxi driver named Limuel Alcantara picks up a mild-mannered businessman named Emmanuel Lazaro as his last passenger for the night. Limuel's conspiracy to bring Emmanuel to the hideout of robbery gang leader Diego Gawaran takes a wrong turn. Their journey together from Manila to the foothills of Antipolo becomes a tension-filled and claustrophobic experience. The only way out of this seemingly eternal ride is to face their damnation....
A 1997 Filipino horror film by Lore Reyes and Peque Gallaga....
An Indian raised in the Philippines falls in love with a Filipina on business in Mumbai. She leaves unexpectedly, and he travels back to the Philippines to find her....
Harry leaves Olongapo, the former site of American bases, with his best friend James. They end up in Manila where they soon find work as macho dancers in a gay bar run by Mama Odette. Harry has a troubled past -- his American father used to pimp him and his mother, Betty. When his father accidentally killed his mother, Harry struck out on his own. He made a vow to kill his father....
Three stories, all first times...
Milagros is a prostitute who becomes the maid of a family of four men. With them, she finds the family she never had. With her, each man finds the salvation he needs. Together, they begin to tear each other apart....
Leonardo Rossellini is an Italian priest from Rome, assigned to a parish in Payatas, a poor area of Metromanila, Philippines. Leonardo's mission is to counsel battered women and teach poor children. But soon his peace of mind is distraught by the encounter of a woman he used to love when he was still a seminarian. This young woman, Merlinda, is now married to a violent man. She also has a 6 years old child who is missing. Leonardo decides to help her find her son....
Melissa is a young woman blessed with great fortune she has a blossoming career in fashion design, a slew of adoring friends, and a fiancé who is no less than the man of her dreams. Everything seems favorable until the night of her engagement party, for she is suddenly beset by visions of her dead sister, Magda. Soon, Melissa realizes that Magda's soul wishes to claim her life, believing that it was the life meant for Magda, had she not died. As Magda takes control of her body, Melissa sees her ...
Gene works for the local underworld syndicate but always treats his abductees with kindness. He begins a dangerous affair with ex-bar girl Dolor, who's routinely beaten by her rich husband. When the cops move in on Gene's gang and Dolor's husband winds up dead, the couple flees with the law and their enemies in hot pursuit....
A dozen foreigners are kidnapped by a terrorist group in the Philippines....
A group of disparate women find comfort in one another when faced with heart-wrenching tragedy in this moving story. After a terrorist bombing at an airport kills many innocent victims, the lives of the family members who lost their loved ones are forever changed. In their anger, grief and disbelief, eight women of different generations and backgrounds forge a bond....
A story about three friends, a simple housewife with a bad tempered husband, a busy career wife whose husband want a child, and one who desperately wants to become a wife....
Felix Yzagun Manalo is a sprawling historical epic that traces the origin of Iglesia Ni Cristo (The Church of Christ) which is established in the Philippines from its humble beginnings in 1914 through the present day....
A fiercely independent and unflinchingly candid woman connected with a women's crisis and survival center has to raise her two kids with different fathers. Her first husband has left her when their career options failed to converge. She is now stuck in an extramarital arrangement with another man who cannot bring himself to respect and commit to their quite unorthodox relationship....
Sandra, a 35-year-old wedding coordinator who sees her uneventful life turned upside down when she falls for the much-younger Eric....
A Filipino action drama film directed by Toto Natividad....
Dario is a disgruntled ex-cop who gets discharged from his job two years ago when he obeys the order of his superior, Superintendent Villa to take the syndicate master, Johnny Estrella to a safe-house instead on the police station. Superintendent Villa is under orders of Johnny. The crook escapes. Now Dario lives as an informal security man in a bar he frequented during his officer days. Marian is a young novice who is taking month long break from the convent. She finds out that her older sister...
Three women who come from different backgrounds work hard to earn a living in Manila, but realize that they are victims of sexual exploitations. A television producer is forced to have sex with her boss in exchange for an opportunity to produce a new programme. That almost costs her marriage. A temporary teacher and her colleagues are sent by their principal to give a dance performance at a ministry officer's birthday party. They are gang-raped or almost gang-raped by the officer and his guests....
Wag Kang Lilingon is a twin-bill horror movie In the first story "Uyayi," Anne plays Melissa, a young nurse with a bright future ahead of her. But will the future turn to her favor as strange and violent events occur at the hospital she works for. Together with her boyfriend James, they try to uncover the killer behind the rising number of deaths among the patients in the hospital. In the second story "Salamin," Kristine plays Angel, a beautiful young family breadwinner whose only aspiration is...
The story of Nick Joaquin, who only accepted the National Artist Award on the condition that the Marcos administration release a well-known writer who was being unjustly detained during Martial Law....
Pandanggo has three stories with parallel themes converging in one event, the Kasilonawan Festival in Obando: a career woman learning to dance tango who is torn between her dance partner and live-in partner has to choose the man who will satisfy her dream of raising a family; a wife whose wish to conceive a baby boy to make her husband happy brings her feet to the festival, but fate has other plans of bringing the child into her life; and a modern woman who, amidst her medical condition that mig...
Pepe upon the order of his father did not want anything to do with boxing, after all it was boxing which took his brother’s life. But the easy money involved in the sport attracted him when he was desperate to pay off a long standing debt he incurred during the accident of his dad....
The Philippines, 1898. Fifty Spanish soldiers arrive in the small village of Baler to rebuild an outpost. Although the war against the Filipinos and their American allies is almost lost, as is the Spanish Empire, the garrison will endure a cruel siege for eleven months. They will be the last to surrender....
An expert Army sniper armed with his tactical knowledge and deadly skills, goes on a quest to protect his family from the man who masterminded the attempt on his life and his loved ones....
Elaine and Orly are a young couple whose marriage is in shambles because of a dysfunctional sex life. He works as a delivery van driver during the day while she works as a tollbooth clerk at night... each one barely having time for the other. But while Orly finds solace in the routine, Elaine feels trapped. Until she meets Miguel, a young playboy, who introduces her to an exciting and exhilarating world that liberates her from an otherwise boring existence....
Dante promises to find his colleague, Jojo's family after the latter is killed. Later, he fights for the injustices and crimes brought about by the town mayor, his son, and his minion of a crooked local police chief....
A young police officer sets on a dangerous mission to unravel the mystery behind his brother’s disappearance....
The film centers around Philippine President Manuel L. Quezon and his plan to shelter Jews in the Philippines who were fleeing from Nazi Germany during the World War II era....
A pessimistic uninspired middle-aged artist finds spark with a millennial photographer who leads her on a path of creative and sexual reawakening....
A family moves into an old house, unaware of its diabolic, bloody history. The film features two separate stories from different time periods: the Villareal family from the present time, and the Domingo family who lived in the same house back in the 90s....
A story of a young man who will fall in love with a transgender woman....
To this day, Ishmael Bernal's movie Himala is still in our town, in our world. This will be reflected in the broader perspective of the majority, of the surrounding events. Beliefs still lie in the truth. Consciousness is still dominant at the level of illusion. The naive, savage, cruel, and selfish politics still prevail....
Three working-class Manila women — Stella, Doray and Choleng — are hired as paid mourners at a traditional Chinese funeral....