Adapted from the novel of the same name, The Lady in the Cubicle describes the life of white-collar worker Tan Bin, who is approaching the dreaded thirtieth birthday. As she struggles with challenges in work and love, particularly when she becomes involved with her superior Cheng Ruimin, she uncovers the real meaning of true happiness. The drama will also revolve around the lives of two other career women: Mini, who is Tan Bin’s constant rival, and Jessica, a pampered young woman who has just en...
The show documents the simplistic lifestyle of living away from the bustling city centers. Each season takes place in a different rural part of China. The cast members are only provided with the basic life necessities and have to take care of everything else such as cooking their own meals and building their own furniture. To "buy" different cooking ingredients and other tools, they have to complete certain tasks assigned by the production crew, such as planting and harvesting crops. Different g...
Star Chef is a celebrity food competition reality show produced by Jiangsu TV in China and purchased from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The competition system of this program is based on the British Celebrity MasterChef. Each season, different celebrities will be invited to wear special aprons for star chefs to meet food challenges with different themes. With a professional production team, a strong star lineup, an authoritative jury, and mouth-watering food, the show will present ...
Produced by Yu Zheng and written by screenwriter Zhang Wei, this is the counterpart to his previous popular series Female Prime Minister. The story tells of the niece of the first female prime minister Ban Zhao. The titular Ban Shu earns her way up to become a teacher at the Royal Female Academy formed by the Empress Deng Wei. However, her job in the court becomes much harder when conspiracies begin totake place, as a result she decides to leave the court to spread the Han culture....
This series is composed of five stories written with comedic flair that all share a common central theme: humankind's never-changing pursuit of love and their passion for life. Naive scholar An Xiu Shi and courageous brothel beauty Zhao Pan'er must save their friend Song Yin Zhang from a life of entrapment and prostitution after she is tricked into marrying the charismatic scoundrel Zhou She....
In 500 B.C., during Chinas famed 'Spring and Autumn Period', Kong Ze (Confucius), a commoner reverred for his outstanding wisdom, is made Minister of Law in the ancient Kingdom of Lu. Under his inspired leadership, Lu ascends to new heights but becomes a target of conquest for the warlike nation of Qi. Threatened with annihilation by their powerful neighbour, a desperate people turn to their greatest teacher to lead their most powerful army. When Confucius delivers a stunning victory against all...
Situ Minghao (played by Ren Quan) and Zhao Yong (played by Qiao Renliang) are colleagues and friends who work in the same magazine. The two have known each other for many years and their friendship is very strong. Recently, they focused the magazine on a human organ reselling case. During the investigation and evidence collection, Zhao Yong disappeared unexpectedly. What awaited Situ Haoming afterwards was the news of Zhao Yong's death. What Situ Minghao didn't expect was that Zhao Yong's death...
Hangzhou, China, the present day. Chen Congming, an associate professor at a medical college who is popular with his students, alarms his superiors with his theory that everyone has the potential to go crazy, and that the dividing line between sanity and insanity is paper-thin....
Follows a soldier trying to gain recognition for comrades who died in 1948, at a turning point in the civil war between the communists and the nationalist forces of the Kuomintang....
2013 Chinese horror film directed by Qiu Chuji. After being kidnapped, a young woman awakens three months later on the side of a road with no memory of her abduction. Subsequently, she begins to experience psychological episodes that mirror her abductor's persona....
Comedy about a dancing pandas cabaret act....
A ballet director is killed by his own dog, the police believes that it is a murder....