Sakaki Makio, also known as "Tornado" is a tough 27-year-old high school drop-out. By academic standards, he's pretty dumb. His father decides to force Makio to return to high school to receive his diploma and he asks an old friend who happens to be the principal of a nearby school to admit Makio. If Makio doesn't graduate, the position of boss will be given to his younger brother, Mikio. Furthermore, he must pose as a 17-year-old during school hours and in the presence of any classmates or teac...
Yumi, a writer of a science magazine, witnesses a mysterious death of a high school girl who received a "one missed call" from her own cell phone, two weeks in the future. The disturbing message on the cell phone turns out to be the screams of the victim....
5 girls and 5 guys find themselves mysteriously trapped in a room and are forced to play a psychological game of dare....
An adolescent human drama of high school students who are troubled with their own concerns but gradually find a method of survival through Hotai Club....
A young woman is surprised to see that there is a bounty on her head on the Internet... A big reward is promised to anyone who would end her life before midnight. It is eleven o'clock in the evening when she sees the message. Does she have only one hour to live?...
Popular TV screenwriter Mayumi Taniyama suffers from the dreaded writer's block. When producer Masaya Mukai asks for a screenplay written for him, Mayumi Taniyama offers to write one if he falls in love with her....