The series tells the story of Nadav Feldman , a young social worker , who discovers that he is adopted and finds himself in the depths of his biological father's family, Baruch Asulin, a leader of an organized crime syndicate in Israel known as "Ha-Borer"(The Arbitrator), due to his activities as an arbitrator in disputes in the underworld. The series focuses on the combination of dramatic stretches , the conflict between the norms of society including crime, especially norms and codes of conduc...
Juda Ben Haim is a showy little thug, on his way to the biggest gambling in Romania with the money of a dangerous French mobster. A mysterious and beautiful woman shows up and changes all the picture....
A satirical sketch show dealing with the world of Israeli sport. With the "Ma Kashur?" trio and guests....
Aviva, a hard-working hotel cook in the small northern Israeli town of Tiberias, is on the brink of finally fulfilling her lifelong dream. For years she kept her remarkable writing abilities under wraps, until her sister, Anita, introduces her to Oded, an accomplished novelist. Immediately recognizing Aviva's talent, Oded takes her under his wing, promising to help her achieve greatness. But the journey to greatness effects her life and the lives of her family - her unemployed husband, her troub...
Simico smallest is a fantasist about 30, nice neighborhood, a working Jackie's hummus. Simico engaged to a girl named Mazi who dreams about a big wedding with all the attractions, but his greatest fantasy is to create a blockbuster movie about strippers, after having successfully completed a photography course local community center. He gets all the guys from the neighborhood to realize his dream and drift dizzying adventure ....
A girl's heroic spirit and her faithful dog's phenomenal courage join to perform an impossible rescue! Snubbed by her small-town neighbors, Charley Wilson and her German shepherd Fuzz, meet a true friend in Alonzo - a gruff old farmer who admires Charley and Fuzz for their funny antics and sense of real adventure. When Alonzo finds himself in big trouble that threatens his very life, it's girl and dog to the rescue! Charley and Fuzz help the entire town see how prejudice hurts everybody, as they...
Adi is a perfect husband, father, friend, colleague, and son. He will comply with every wish and whim they all may have. No one listens to him, but he never complains. Until one fateful visit to a doctor that made his world fall completely apart....
When Israel is hosting the 1979 Eurovision Song Contest soldier Shuki knows it is his chance to ask his girlfriend's father for her hand. His commander, major Magen David, will do his best to prevent this from happening....
Aviho, Bezalel and Natty travel to Columbia to free Aviho's son, Shuli from his kidnappers....