Flikken was a popular Flemish-Belgian TV series about a police-department located in Ghent. The show started in 1999 and ended recently on 19 April 2009. In the series, a team of six police officers solved various crimes, petty crimes as well as organised crime. The series always aimed at showing the policework in a realistic way - though a little personal drama was never far off. Of all the actors that came along during the ten seasons, only Mark Tijsmans and Ludo Hellinx appeared throughout th...
Baantjer is a Dutch television programme which was broadcast by RTL 4 from 6 October 1995 until 1 December 2006 for a total of 123 episodes in 12 seasons. It stars Piet Römer as Jurriaan 'Jurre' de Cock, a police detective, and Victor Reinier as Dick Vledder, his helper. The series is based on the novels of writer A. C. Baantjer. In 1999, RTL 4 broadcast the television film Baantjer, de film: De Cock en de wraak zonder einde because of the tenth anniversary of the network....
A fictional version of the events that led to the assassination of the Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn on May 6, 2002. The movie is based upon the book "The sixth of May" by Tomas Ross....
A film inspired on the true story of the two abducted children of Janneke Schoonhoven. She struggled 2 years to get her abducted children back to Holland, from the father that took them to Syria....
In this heartwarming story we meet Fatih, a boy of Turkish descent. He lives with his mother and sisters. The harmony in the family is disrupted when his macho uncle pays the family a visit....
A promising kickboxer struggles to resist the temptations of a life of crime....
An unlikely friendship blossoms between Elsa, a preppy, idle, spoiled blond who calls herself Gino, and Nina, a wannabe anarchist who plots with three others to blow up an arms factory. Nina is often sour and tempestuous, but with Gino she's spontaneous and funny. Yet the friendship often founders, as the feckless Gino spoils Nina's frequent and demanding plans. They decide to rob Gino's rich uncle to pay for bombs and creature comforts, they sneak into a stranger's house, they steal a painting ...
Mahmut, the son of a poor Turkish greengrocer in the Netherlands, dreams of escaping his retail fate by becoming a rapper. But things change radically when he and his best friend Apo find out that a dangerous Turkish gang is extorting money from their fathers. With the help of the police they go undercover within that gang - but can these two aspiring rappers succeed?...
A lively young boy befriends and attempts to raise an abandoned baby jackdaw unbeknownst to his choleric and disapproving father....
In Amsterdam - in the time before the legalisation of some drugs and the following growth of competition on the market - takes place a war between the Italian and Chinese mafia because of the control of the heroin market....