Based on the historical exploits of the Yang military family during the Song Dynasty, this drama begins as war between China and the neighboring Liao kingdom is about to begin....
One suspects writer-director Carol Lai may have harboured some Black Swan ambitions with a tale that also centers around a stage practitioner who embarks on an unwitting destructive journey when playing a role to die for. The Second Woman, whose Chinese title Romance Riddle may hold better clues as to how this film developed, being more of a guessing game that threw constant clues rather than a overly romantic film about twins falling in love with a man who decided it's perfectly OK to string bo...
The Chinese version of Home Alone; this action comedy chronicles the antics of the seven mischievous young monks Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La and Si as they seek to outwit a group of grave robbers through entertaining tricks and kung fu....
The young and timid surgeon Zhang Wenli has lost contact with his best friend Ji Yinchuan after his study. He hopes to see the charismatic Ji Yinchuan at a reunion organized by his girlfriend, however he doesn't show up. Through flashbacks, where dream and reality are one, the relationship the three young ones had with each other during their study is slowly unraveled....
Lam Kwok Kuen, nearing retirement and raising a mentally challenged son by himself, is a police officer whose sole requirement on the job is oversee the department fleet. Despite this, he remains active in the front line of police service, putting his life on the line for the sake of others, his heroism bettering even the most seasoned professionals. He fights the bad guys, putting criminals behind bars, upholding the law at any cost, for as his adage proclaims, to live a day surmounts to pursui...
During a brutal Japanese offensive, a skirmish leaves only a handful of children and a few soldiers to carry an important command west along the Great Wall....