The Killing is a Danish police procedural set in the Copenhagen main police department and revolves around Detective Inspector Sarah Lund and her team, with each season series following a different murder case day-by-day and a one-hour episode covering twenty-four hours of the investigation. The series is noted for its plot twists, season-long storylines, dark tone and for giving equal emphasis to the story of the murdered victim's family alongside the police investigation. It has also been sing...
The Killing is a Danish police procedural set in the Copenhagen main police department and revolves around Detective Inspector Sarah Lund and her team, with each season series following a different murder case day-by-day and a one-hour episode covering twenty-four hours of the investigation. The series is noted for its plot twists, season-long storylines, dark tone and for giving equal emphasis to the story of the murdered victim's family alongside the police investigation. It has also been sing...
Independent, outspoken and adored by her students, private school teacher Rita fares less well with adults....
TAXA is a Danish television drama made by Danmarks Radio with 56 episodes, written by Stig Thorsboe and produced by Rumble Hammerich. The series revolves around a small taxi central, CrownTaxi, in Copenhagen. The series was a success from the start, 14 September 1997 on DR1. The series was broadcast during the period 1997-1999 for a total of five series. CrownTaxi has its ups and downs and in the course of the series, following the various drivers, radio opertor Lizzie and boss Verner Boye-Larse...
The Eagle: A Crime Odyssey is a Danish police procedural television series produced by Danmarks Radio, created and written by Peter Thorsboe and Mai Brostrøm. The series debuted on 10 October 2004 in Denmark. It won an International Emmy Award from the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for best non-American television drama series in 2005. There were three seasons; the second season premiered in Denmark on 9 October 2005 and the third on 8 October 2006. The last episode ori...
Lars lives a life dedicated to his disabled mother and his job at a petrol station. One day the girl he is secretly in love with, Julie, faints at his feet. Julie recovers but suffers from an acute psychosis confusing Lars with her deceased boyfriend Søren. Lars decides to take on Søren's identity and keep Julie locked in her psychosis. This is his chance of a lifetime, to experience love....
Sinan is a second generation Turkish immigrant. He is young, restless and he likes the ladies. His parents have found him a bride, the beautiful Gül. They have also planned for him to take over his father's restaurant after the wedding. But Sinan has other fish to fry....
Cecilie sees and hears things no one else does; places suddenly change appearance, people aren´t really there. One night she experiences a rape, but no traces are to be found. Her husband Mads commits her to a psychiatric hospital. With the help of a psychiatrist, Per, she begins to see a frightening connection between her condition and a brutal murder that happened more than 30 years before....
"Superbrother" tells the story of Anton, a 10 year old boy desperate for, he says, an older and true brother as Buller, his brother, is autistic. Always distracted looking at the sky, Anton receives an unexpected visit from some stranger who comes from space and Buller becomes a superhero. Unfortunately, these powers do not last forever. Will they be able to learn to use them?...
A Danish woman and a "new Danish" man dream about a future together in a society that does not embrace diversity. It turns into a Babushka's game where dreams inside dreams make it difficult to understand what is real and what is not....
The film follows a group of friends and their highs and lows in pursuit of romantic redemption. It takes place over three years and is divided into eight parties : New Year's Eve, one housewarming, Midsummer, a wedding, a surprise party, a name of celebration, anniversary and birthday parties. The friends are all late thirties or early forties. They fought all with their own idea of what the perfect love really is, and must re-evaluate their perception in the course of history....
When Claus, a car salesman and a passionate gambler, gets his 19-year-old son Silas mixed up in considerable gambling debts owed to criminals, he is forced to put his own life at risk to save his son....
13-year-old Benjamin discovers that his mother didn’t die in an accident as he was led to believe. The trail leads to high-ranking officials in the Danish Secret Service. "Trust no one!", he is told....
A middle-class family, on the surface happy and perfect, are close to disintegration due to the father's escalating alcoholism. After several years of failure and broken promises, they finally give him an ultimatum. However, they must soon recognize that the solution rests on everyone's shoulders....