Melanie Leishman is a Canadian film and television actress.
Darcy's Wild Life is an American-Canadian television series, filmed during 2004-2006, and broadcast on Discovery Kids and the Family Channel. The show revolves around Darcy Fields, the daughter of an eccentric actress who decides to move away from Malibu to raise her daughter in a more normal environment. Darcy is slow to adjust to her new home in the country. She gets a job at a local veterinary clinic called Creature Comforts. The show is mostly about the humorous situations Darcy gets into wh...
Todd and the Book of Pure Evil is a Canadian comedy/horror television series that follows a group of high school students who confront the effects of a demonic book. The series premiered on Space Channel on September 29, 2010 with two back-to-back episodes. The show was created for television by Craig David Wallace, Charles Picco, and Anthony Leo. Todd and the Book of Pure Evil is based on the short film of the same title written by Craig David Wallace and Max Reid, and directed by Wallace. The...
No student likes having to spend time in detention so you can only imagine how Lee Ping feels. The freshman at A Nigma High has been sentenced to a year in detention after being accused of pulling off the biggest prank in high-school history. The problem is that Lee is innocent. Now, in order to clear his name, Lee must escape from the highly fortified detention room every day, infiltrate a new social clique, and unravel another piece of the gigantic prank puzzle to try to figure out who actuall...
Detective Charlie Hudson teams up with what he calls his "highly trained law enforcement animal" German Shepherd dog named Rex who he prefers to team up with because he doesn't talk his ear off....
Jake Doyle and his ex-cop father, Malachy, run a Newfoundland detective agency. Their rugged seaside town never lacks for intriguing cases, and the Doyles don't always land on the right side of the law....
After 7 seasons of Total Drama, it's time to go back to the Island! Taking place in the run-down Camp Wawanakwa, contestants must give it their all as they compete in extreme baking, TikToking, drag racing and "disaster and horror movie inspired challenges" for a chance to win the one million dollar prize!...
Dr. Bashir Hamed, a Syrian doctor with battle-tested skills in emergency medicine, makes the difficult decision to flee his country and build a new life in Canada with his younger sister Amira. Bash works to navigate a new environment after earning a coveted residency in the Emergency Department of one of the best hospitals in Toronto, York Memorial....
A socially awkward but highly enterprising teenager decides to acquire a "mail order best friend"; a sophisticated exchange student from France. Instead, he ends up importing his personal nightmare, a cologne-soaked, chain-smoking, sex-obsessed youth who quickly becomes the hero of his new community....
Desperate to avoid his family’s judgment about his perpetual single status, Peter convinces his best friend Nick to join him for the holidays and pretend that they’re now in a relationship. But when Peter’s mother sets him up on a blind date with her handsome trainer James, the plan goes awry....
After two years hiding out in his Grandfather's retirement residence, Stock Burton is forced back into his small town where he must come to terms with the troubled past that led to his early retirement....
A fledgling caterer, Molly Frost, is hired by Jean Harrison, the perfectionistic director of the renowned Harrison Foundation, to cater this year’s annual Christmas Gala dinner. Things get complicated when Molly falls for Jean’s nephew, Carson, 30s, a travel photographer with no desire to take over the family’s foundation… until his aunt assigns him to the task of making sure the catered dinner goes perfectly....
Over the course of one week in 1988, the search for a missing teammate, parental expectations, a burgeoning sexual awakening and the rock concert of the century all threaten to jolt a 16-year-old into adulthood. With the long Victoria Day weekend signaling the end of school, and the Stanley Cup playoffs afoot, the summer of 1988 arrives in Toronto. Ben Spector, a smart, sensitive kid from a Russian immigrant family, hits the Bob Dylan show with his buddies and runs into Jordan Chapman, the cla...
A high-end musical theater camp is terrorized by a bloodthirsty killer who hates musical theater....
The Jennings family are having a regular suburban Sunday dinner. Mother wants everything to be perfect. Father wants everyone to drink, which Sister refuses to do. And Brother keeps texting his husband, even though no phones are allowed at the table. Just as tensions reach a boiling point, an unwanted guest arrives: Frank, Father’s wayward brother. To what ends will Mother, Father, Sister, and Brother go to get rid of Frank? With a great cast, including Mindy Cohn and Enrico Colantoni as Mother ...
An unexpected affair quickly escalates into a heart-stopping reality for two women whose passionate connection changes their lives forever....
The animated conclusion to the live action Todd and The Book Of Pure Evil Show. Todd tries to mend his friendship with Curtis after killing his girlfriend. The book has returned along with Hannah and there is talk of a new Pure Evil one....
When Hollywood starlet Morgan Carter passes out from alcohol poisoning on the red carpet of her movie premiere, she is whisked away to rehab, then sent to live with an aunt to complete her recovery in rural Indiana. There, she attends high school - changing her name and look to fit in-and live the life of a typical teenager, complete with the mysteries of geography, gym class, real friendship, love and jealousy....
Loren doesn't like her new neighbor, Jared, or his vicious dog. Along with her friend Steven, Loren spies on Jared and begins to suspect he's a werewolf, responsible for a rash of disappearances. But Jared is watching her just as closely because Loren reminds him of his dead wife. As a full-moon night nears, Loren enlists the help of TV star Redd Tucker, who knows how to hunt -- and who believes her werewolf theory....
Lucy is a young gallery assistant who collects mementos from her relationships. She discovers that she must let go of her past to move forward, and comes up with a lovely, artistic way to help herself and others who have suffered heartbreak....
It’s the Adventure Bay 500! The pups have built an awesome race track and are ready to be the pit crew for their race hero, The Whoosh! But when the legendary racer is unable to drive in the championship race, he calls on his biggest fan-pup Marshall to take the wheel and race in his place! Marshall has to overcome his lack of confidence and his dastardly competition, The Cheetah, to fulfill his dream of becoming the fastest race-pup ever!...
When Grace's former classmate (and crush) Ryan arrives home for Christmas, Grace's best friend initiates "Operation Mistletoe" to get them together....