Barney & Friends is an American children's television series aimed at children from ages 2 to 5. The series, which first aired on April 6, 1992, features the title character Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, optimistic attitude....
A thought-provoking exploration of the spectacular rise and fall of Barney the Dinosaur’s furious backlash — and what it says about the human need to hate. From Barney-bashing to frat parties to homicidal video games, something in American society broke into a million pieces, and it’s never been put together again… or is this just who we were all along?...
"B" is for Barney, Baby Bop, and BJ! No matter how you spell it, Barney's friends have F-U-N learning the ABCs, colors, and shapes! Baby Bop discovers the excitement of writing her name, and the children get everything in shape for the most colorful art show ever! Whether drawing a cat made of triangles or a train made of squares, using their imagination helps kids learn about shapes and colors. Can you guess what Baby Bop will draw that is shaped like a rectangle? It's soft, yellow, and nice to...
With some help from a tabletop video jukebox sent by Professor Tinkerputt, Barney, BJ, and Baby Bop relive memories as they watch special times they shared together....
Take a trip with Barney™, BJ™, Baby Bop™ and their new friends as they discover anything can happen in The Land of Make Believe! When a puzzled young princess from a storybook magically appears, the group begins a quest to help her find her way home. On the journey, they swim with dolphins, see a beautiful mermaid and even meet a magician! But will the princess ever find her kingdom?...
Barney and his friends take the stage to delight and entertain everyone at Radio City Music Hall. They all work together to make a special surprise for the audience using items from "The Barney Bag". But before they are able to share it, a new visitor, The Winkster, sneaks away with the bag....
Barney teaches children that even if you're not big enough to do all the things your friends do, there are new people to meet and new games to play right now. Discover big-sized fun is waiting for you and is loaded with Tee-riffic adventures!...
Various songs and moments from 20 years of Barney....
When a surprise package arrives from Miss Vera Goode with her new "Book of Manners for Children," Barney's friends question why minding their manners is so important. Barney explains that they have the perfect opportunity to be on their best behavior because they're invited to a party!...