c/o Segemyhr was a Swedish sitcom that premiered on TV4 Sweden on 4 September 1998. The series took place in and around an apartment in an exclusive neighbourhood in Stockholm, Artillerigatan 35 and later Styrmansgatan 52 in the same area. The series began with three seasons from fall 1998 to fall 1999, thereafter additionally two seasons were added in 2003–2004. All seasons have been released on DVD. Script writers were Fredrik Lindström och Erik Haag....
One night a nameless force sweeps over Sweden, and scattered over the country are a few chosen, who are gifted with supernatural powers. These powers are the exact opposite to what the biggest issue in their lives are - the woman unable to give birth to a child gains the ability to heal dead people. A White Leader and a Black Leader seek out these people, to prepare for the final battle between good and evil....
Elisabeth leaves her abusive and drunken husband Rolf, and goes to live with her brother, Göran. The year is 1975 and Göran lives in a commune called Together. Living in this leftist commune Elisabeth learns that the world can be viewed from different perspectives....
Scripted by Ingmar Bergman, this very personal film is about a destructive affair which wrecks the marriage of an actress (Marianne) and musician (Markus). Wanting to continue the affair, Marianne moves in with her lover. But she is tormented by Markus' decision not to let her have custody of their daughter. Finally Markus announces he may have a solution to the stalemate, but this leads to deception, lies and ultimately, tragedy....
A woman moves into a young man's home and starts to run his life -- a process that makes him fall hopelessly in love with her....