A series that follows different women and their stories during the Qing Dynasty...
Two family tragedies leave one son seeking revenge while the other son tries to rebuild his life from scratch....
Hurry Up, Brother! is a Chinese variety show based off the original Korean variety show, Running Man. It is created by SBS and co-produced with Zhejiang Television. It first aired on October 10, 2014. This show is classified as a game-variety show, where the MCs and guests complete missions in a landmark to win a race. In 2017, the show officially changed its name to "Keep Running"....
Yun Zhong Ge also known as Song in the Clouds is a sequel to Ballad of the Desert. During the Western Han Dynasty, an eight-year-old Emperor Zhao of Han meets a girl Huo Yunge (daughter of Huo Qubing and Jin Yu from Ballad of the Desert), who rescued him from the cold of the desert. Ten years later, Huo is now a beautiful young woman, who could not forget the boy she saved. However, she mistook another Liu Bing Yi as Emperor Liu Fu Ling. Yunge helplessly watched him marry Xu Pingjun. The heartbr...
A story of a full-time mother's career advancement follows Shen Anan who loves life and loves food. After experiencing a marital crisis, she chooses to return to the workplace. Through continuous learning and growth, she improves her professional skills and realizes her self-worth....
Rent a Girlfriend Home for New Year" is a drama that blends modern-city lifestyle of Beijing with the traditional small-town setting of Long Meng and invokes the rich Chinese historical heritage and cultural customs through the life of one of its descendants, Sun Yi Wei. Chu Xiao Xiao, is an independent, liberal thinking, headstrong, wealthy, college student raised by a single mother. When her family goes bankrupt and her mother goes missing, Xiao Xiao is forced to find a job to pay off creditor...
In the autumn of 1950, Captain Wu Qianli of a certain army's Seventh Reconnaissance Company returned home. He wanted to guide his unruly younger brother, Wu Wanli, onto the right path. They both joined the army and headed to the battlefield of the Korean War, where they met experienced veterans....
The Emperor in Han Dynasty,[1] also released under the title The Emperor Han Wu in some countries, is a 2005 Chinese historical television series based on the life of Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty. It uses the historical texts Records of the Grand Historian and Book of Han as its source material. The series covers the life of Emperor Wu from his early childhood to his death and some events in the reign of Emperor Jing (Emperor Wu's father and predecessor), such as the Rebellion of the Seven Sta...
"Hello, Saturday" is the rebranding of popular Chinese show "Happy Camp", hosted by He Jiong and with a fixed group of regular celebrity members. The program showcases the talent of various stars as well as social topics through creative and diverse content and games. It aims to spread positive energy whilst keeping up with the current trends and leading youth culture....
Amidst political conflict and precariousness in 1930s Beiping, a wealthy businessman becomes captivated by a talented Peking opera performer....
During the peaceful Daming Dynasty, Yuan Mo, a commoner from Changle City, encounters A Shu, a refugee from the Yanle Kingdom attempts to sneak in at the city gates. This conflict leads to Wang Kunwu being punished for failing to oversee his duties as a border general. As a consequence, Yuan Mo is inadvertently pulled into the Four Square Pavilion, where he forms a team with A Shu, Wang Kunwu, and Yuchi Hua. Together, they confront complex diplomatic challenges in their quest for justice and pat...
The suicide of her best friend, Cheng Ru Ying, ripples through the lives of four mothers – Fang Yuan, Jin Lu, You Xiao Zhu and Ding Mu Mu – as they search for the truth about her suicide. This accident shatters the perfect life of full-time housewife Fang Yuan. When Jin Lu, a non-maritalist curator, is about to realize her career dream, she accidentally gets pregnant and the father of her baby is her temporary boyfriend. The four mothers bravely face up to the twists and turns and search for the...
Story of Tong Yu, Guo Chong, Li Jie Sen and Xiang Xiao Fei, who are close friends in university. The four men, who are facing a typical middle-aged crisis, support each other while seeking a breakthrough in the ups and downs. In the end, the four men decide to embrace their careers and love at their best age and walk towards a better and more mature version of themselves....
TV [ love that point thing ] The play is mainly about four older young women looking for love stories, and they represent the different styles of contemporary society tide four women: "Asian Mature" "white Formica" "snail female "and" Cock silk girl ", each with a different way of finding love declaration of love hustle....
Luo Ran has been investigating the death of his wife with his best friend Ning Yu. They end up getting onto a train headed for C City in order to chase female suspect Jiang Xue. The train suddenly derails mid-journey, and the hundred or so survivors find themselves transported to a ruined city with no living soul in sight, cut off from the rest of the world. The city is filled with dangers on all sides and supplies are dwindling. The survivors start dying off or disappearing one by one—a brutal ...
Through a mysterious Motorola phone, two detectives - one from the present, and the other from 15 years in the past - begin communicating and working together to solve cold cases. This is the Chinese adaptation of 2016 tvN drama Signal....
As China's first aircraft carrier began sea trials, the Chinese Navy formed its first carrier-based aircraft test flight team. Elite young pilots Xie Zhen Yu and Yu Tao, led by Commander Qin Da Di, a decorated navy pilot, tackled the global challenge of carrier landing and takeoff with scientific rigor and a sense of mission and urgency. With the carrier fleet operational, Xie Zhen Yu and Yu Tao, embodying "the spirit of sea and air eagle," led China's jets soaring across vast skies....
Yu Tong, a fire investigator with the Qingdu City Fire Brigade, faces a perplexing case of spontaneous combustion in a lake on his very first assignment. His exceptional skills quickly catch the attention of the brilliant detective Lin Yaoyao. Despite their contrasting personalities, they must work together to unravel a series of mysterious fire incidents. As they delve deeper into the investigation, hidden layers of Yu Tong's character emerge, and an old case from his past resurfaces, leading t...
A suspenseful love story in which the fate of several young people with different backgrounds and charms are entangled in two unpredictable twists and turns....
Toward the end of Northern Song Dynasty, the government was deeply corrupted. The oppressed people finally rebelled. A hundred and eight men and women fought against the government and took their last stand in a place called Liangshan....
During the turbulent mid-Tang dynasty after the An-Shi Rebellion, Baiyu Jing was established to protect the imperial city from warlord threats. Externally, it shelters homeless women, while internally, it trains female assassins known as "Yinniang." These women navigate life amidst danger, facing trials of love, betrayal, and their fates. Ultimately, they find themselves caught in a growing conspiracy, leading them to rise and fight in defense of the world and its people....
Set in a crumbling psychiatric hospital after Japan's surrender, a former apprentice doctor must protect the institution from various corrupt forces. As chaos ensues, he navigates the madness with the help of the hospital's inhabitants, where the line between sanity and insanity becomes increasingly unclear....
Chinese movie...
Wu Song in the Water Margin...
In 1942, Henan Province was devastated by one of the most tragic famines in modern Chinese history, resulting in the deaths of at least three million men, women and children. Although the primary cause of the famine was a severe drought, it was exacerbated by locusts, windstorms, earthquakes, epidemic disease and the corruption of the ruling Kuomintang government....
In the follow-up to "The Battle At Lake Changjin", brothers Wu Qianli and Wu Wanli undertake a new task for the People's Volunteer Army, defending a bridge part of the American troops' escape route from the advancing Chinese....
Shanghai gangsters grapple with lust and loyalty on the eve of war with Japan as they try to navigate an alliance with the enemy's army....
In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, New China was faced with "internal and external troubles". Since the outbreak of the Korean Civil War, the U.S. military has repeatedly provoked the border between China and North Korea, and civilians have been brutally bombed. In order to maintain the hard-won peace and long-term stability for generations, in October 1950, the Chinese People's Volunteers entered North Korea, and the "Resist US Aid Korea" war kicked off...
Based on the novel of the same name by Cixin Liu, the first in the Remembrance of Earth’s Past trilogy. Hundreds of physicists died mysteriously. A Chinese nanomaterials expert, Wang Miao, sees a mysterious countdown in his eyes. Soon he finds out that the "disastrous planet" under three suns in a game really exists. The three-body civilization there will reach the Earth in 400 years. A future catastrophe is coming for humanity......
In 1937, eight hundred Chinese soldiers fight under siege from a warehouse in the middle of the Shanghai battlefield, completely surrounded by the Japanese army....