Băieți de oraș is a TV series created by Mihai Bendeac. He exposes the lives of 4 teenagers: Roby Roberto, Malone, Robotzelu and Dorian. In this series, besides the protagonists, there were also famous actors from Romanian cinemas such as Rodica Popescu Bitănescu or Carmen Tănase. The intro song of the series is composed and performed by the Romanian rapper Cheloo. The Băieți de oraș comedy series is one of the most watched TV series in Romania....
The show that proves that Romanian's imagination has no barriers! Delia and Cheloo award the best humor number with 20,000 euros....
În puii mei! is a Romanian television show in which many actors mimic certain people in Romanian society. This is a pamphlet....
Following a competitive circumstances, Russian Federation returned the Romanian state treasury found in Moscow. Among the items brought into the country is also a bust of the early twentieth century (porcelain bust made in 1915, signed I. Andropov) that is not in inventory; experts consider it a "regular kitch". The bust was stored at the Museum of Art in Bucharest....
After WWII Comisarul Moldovan spent years as a political prisoner of the communist regime. The favorite entertainment of the Russian Colonel in charge of the prison was to have the inmates play Russian Roulette. Only his unbelievable luck and survivor spirit helped Moldovan live through his detention. Out of the prison the ex-policeman joins an international Russian Roulette illegal gaming circuit. In late 70's faith brings him to a Central European town where Goldberg, an old acquaintance of hi...
In the history of Romanian cinema, Sergiu Nicolaescu's name stands for "prolific, highly commercial and professional". At the age of 80, the director launched his latest production, which is also his second comedy in a long row of action and historic films. "Poker" is a cinema adaptation of Adrian Lustig's theatre play with the same name, and focuses on four male friends, representatives for the social canvas: a doctor without a moral conscience, an unscrupulous politician, a chief of the local ...
Three directing students brainstorm ideas for a feature film....
A parody of the movie "The High Schoolers" (1986), in our generation....
A degenerate gambler and his two idiot friends come up with an elaborate plan to pay down their colossal gambling debts by marrying the dysfunctional daughter of an upstart billionaire....