Smiling Friends Inc. is a small company whose main purpose is to bring happiness and make people smile. The series follows the day-to-day lives and misadventures of its representatives, the lazy, cynical Charlie, and the cheerful, optimistic Pim, as they try to cheer up and comfort the troubled people who call their company's hotline. They receive seemingly simple requests but the jobs turn out to be more complicated than they seem, making it difficult to bring happiness to the world....
Following the success of its webcomic and occasional animated shorts, Cyanide & Happiness has debuted its animated show. After a very successful Kickstarter campaign, the creators of the popular comic (Kris Wilson, Rob DenBleyker, Matt Melvin, Dave McElfatrick) have released a much longer show that’s essentially a collection of animated sketches with some recurring themes throughout....
Fowl-mouthed villain Turkie carves through the likes of a rapping grandma, a mindless puppet, a wig-wearing inventor, a bisexual space worm, and their equally ridiculous friends on his quest to recover the last copy of "ThanksKilling 2". Also known as "Turkeys, In, Space!"....