Mona the Vampire is a Canadian/French animated television series based on the series Robyn le Vampire, directed by Louis Piché and Jean Caillon, originally based on the short stories created and written Sonia Holleyman and later written by Hiawyn Oram. It is mainly shown on YTV, Radio-Canada, VRAK.TV, CBBC and Cartoon Network Poland. The series follows the extraordinary adventures of 10-year-old Mona Parker and her friends as they battle a new foe of the supernatural in every episode. The show ...
The show revolves around the lives of 8-year-old Arthur Read, an anthropomorphic aardvark, his friends and family, and their daily interactions with each other....
This spooky anthology series for kids recounts ghost stories told by the young members of the Midnight Society as they gather around a campfire. Each episode opens with members of the Midnight Society at their secret spot in the woods, where they prepare their fire and the night's storyteller announces the title of the his or her offering. However, the cameras soon leave the storyteller and switch to the tale being told....
Naturally, Sadie is a Canadian comedy teen drama sitcom that ran for three seasons from June 24, 2005 to August 26, 2007. It was produced in Canada, set in Whitby, Ontario. Filmed in Toronto, Ontario, most of the show was shot inside a former Catholic elementary school in Little Italy, including the school and home scenes. Mall scenes were filmed in the nearby Dufferin Mall....
Twelve-year-old Donovan Mackay has four teenagers living inside his head. Their mission is to help Donovan through adventurous and unpredictable days in Greenfield Park Junior High....
The Little Lulu Show is an animated television series, based on the Marjorie Henderson Buell comic book character Little Lulu. The show was produced by CINAR Animation after Marge's death in 1993, and aired on HBO Family and Cartoon Network in the United States and on, CTV, and the Family Channel in Canada from 1995 to 1999. In Canada, reruns are currently being shown on both the English and French versions of Teletoon Retro. The series centered on the life and adventures of Lulu Moppet and Tubb...
My Life Me centers around Birch, a shy high school girl with a penchant for the manga/anime subculture. Birch loves anime and manga, and spends much of her time knee-deep in these media. Navigating high school is no less easy even if you have an idea of what you want to do with your life, which in the case of Birch, is to become a professional comics artist. But alas, all the confusions, distractions, and unwieldy personal relationships of modern teendom keep getting in the way. Add to this her ...
Three paranormal roommates, a ghost, a vampire, and a werewolf, struggle to keep their dark secrets from the world, while helping each other navigate the complexities of living double lives....
When Alyssa's 17-year-old son Jason commits suicide, something doesn't sit right. As she and her daughter Danni begin to take a deeper look in the circumstances surrounding Jason's death, they discover that he may have been involved in something they never dreamed a kid like Jason would ever take part in....
Mitch Taylor and superhung Craig Hoffman join Jeff Hammond for a wild time in the big city....
With more than 300 hours of film shot during the 2010 Tour, 'No Room for Rockstars' documents the true stories of modern era rock and roll . From the kids traveling cross country in a van playing parking lots to gain notice, to the veteran stage manager whose life was saved by the Tour, to the musician who crosses over to mainstream success while on the road....
After being continually kicked out of boarding schools, Ben is sent to live with his stern Grandfather in a small town. Almost as soon as he arrives he begins to see the ghost of a woman around his grandfather's house. He also gets to know a girl named Kathrine and the two fast become friends. They both want to help the ghost who holds a connection to both of their families. As they research the past, Ben and Katherine find out that sometimes all you need to do to help someone is to believe....
Joe Goodies has just entered an advertising agency after recovering from the death of his girlfriend in a car accident. Ruined by the compensation he has to pay for the accident, he decides, with his new girlfriend, to kidnap the son of the president of the agency and ask for a bailout....
A modern-day take on the "Beauty and the Beast" tale where a New York teen is transformed into a hideous monster in order to find true love....
In this adaptation of the classic novel by Louisa May Alcott, two street kids from Boston find themselves at Plumfield, a rural boarding school run by Jo and her husband -- and they soon learn academic and life lessons they won't ever forget....
Greed, betrayal and vengeance set the stage for this Sir Arthur Conan Doyle classic. Mary Morstan, a young governess, has been receiving a rare and lustrous pearl annually from an anonymous benefactor....
When George and her colleagues get a new boss whose focus is on moving souls quickly and enjoying life without consequences, the team begins to break the strict reaper rules. While her friends fall victim to their desires for money, success, and fame, George breaks another rule by revealing her true identity to her living family....
Leon Bronstein is not your average Montreal West high school student. For one thing, none of his peers can claim to be the reincarnation of early 20th century Soviet iconoclast and Red Army hero, Leon Trotsky. When his father sends Leon to public school as punishment for starting a hunger strike at Papa's clothing factory, Leon quickly lends new meaning to the term 'student union', determined as he is to live out his pre-ordained destiny to the fullest and change the world....