Der letzte Bulle is a German television series that was first aired in 2010. The series is about a cop from the 1980s put into a modern police department in Essen....
SOKO Donau is an Austrian television series....
"Die Millionenshow" is the Austrian version of the television quiz “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”. It is produced in Studio 8 of nobeo GmbH in Hürth near Cologne and broadcast by ORF, with the episodes running every Monday on ORF 2. Every two weeks, three episodes are usually recorded on Wednesday and Thursday....
Marlis and Johanna work in a travel agency high mountain. Then Johanna by Marlis's suggestion, decides to visit a mountainous area of Austria....
Theo buys a Harley Davidson. He can afford it. Then he gets a young girlfriend and leaves his wife. However, this does not make Theo happier, but his soon-to-be ex Gabi. As everyone gets along better without him. Family, company, everything is going great. This is not how Theo imagined his new life. Increasingly, he wonders if he really is the jerk everyone thinks he is....
When Georgy's music career derails and bankruptcy seems unavoidable, he discovers a profitable career opportunity as a call boy....
Fifteen-year-old Charlotte thinks her parents' relationship is perfect. It's all the more surprising for her when they get separated. Her parents' separation is her first lesson in life on how painful love can be. Charlotte has to move and go to a new school. Here she meets two boys, Sulzer and Carlo, who are best friends. While Sulzer is a shallow lady's man adored by girls, Carlo is his exact opposite. Their fateful meeting makes three inseparable friends out of them. But the question remains ...
A brutal-looking man drives through Vienna in a pick-up – with human cargo on the locked loading area. His victim, bound and gagged, is Karl Burger....
A kidnapped musician and his missing violin are the prelude to a series of murders whose victims were deeply involved in business connections between the GDR and Austria. The investigators of SOKO Vienna and Leipzig are working together....
The story of Napoleon Bonaparte's grandniece, the famous Princess Marie, her friendship and her work with Sigmund Freud....
It's Christmas season in a small town somewhere in the Austrian countryside. Following tradition, the young local men parade in daemon-like masks to chase away the winter......