Custe o Que Custar is a Brazilian television comedy show, produced by Eyeworks and aired weekly by Rede Bandeirantes since March 17, 2008. It is presented by Marcelo Tas, and has in its team Marco Luque and Oscar Filho. The news reports are conducted by Felipe Andreoli, Monica Iozzi, Mauricio Meirelles, Ronald Rios and Dani Calabresa. The program covers weekly events from Politics, Arts and Sports, from a humorous and satirical viewpoint. It oftens uses metalanguage by satyrizing the very progr...
The story of an enmity that spans decades. Waging a war without truce, the neighbors go to the last consequences to make each other's lives miserable....
Four friends are tired of surviving by pulling small scams and running from the police. After a swindle that goes wrong, the quartet formed by Zoinhu, Linguinha, Mãodelo and Alãodelom comes across a robbery that could take them off the streets....
Tells the story of detective Remo Bellini, who gets pulled into a web of death and mysteries that take him to a world of illusions where everything is a self-created fantasy. He's taken by this evil inside that makes him lose a sense of reality with visions, anguish and loneliness - everything takes him down a path of no return. He can't understand what's happening, but the deaths surrounding him are getting closer and closer. It's a race against time before it's too late....
A road movie that shows the simple things in life in a poetic light through the eyes of three young people with Down syndrome, who love movies and work at the video library of the institution where they have always lived in. One day, inspired by the movie "Thelma & Louise", they decide to run away using the gardener's old car to have a freedom experience. They travel to uncommon places in search for three simple wishes: Stalone wants to see the sea, Aninha looks for a husband and Marcio needs to...
A failed pseudo-comedian discovers that another guy is making a name for himself with his original joke. He needs to recover what is his, even if he has to kill his tormentor to do so....
Insane Tuesday is a stand-up project watched by over 1.5 million people all over Brazil. This second run is an audiovisual record of the latest creations that gave rise to the "Fun Fan" tour....
In the underworld of the city of São Paulo, there is a real business that is making money for a lot of people: fights. The small wrestling clubs attract many rich men who want to bet their fortunes on illegal disputes between poor men, who have to fight to survive and earn a few bucks....
Eclectic character comedian Marco Luque plays himself in this stand-up special about relationships, regional differences and his own love of movies....
After another day at work, Virgílio turns on the answering machine at home and hears a disturbing message. It's a message from Clara, communicating the end of their relationship. Virgílio then listens to the message repeatedly, seeking some meaning. Breaking up is not the problem; the problem is that Virgílio has no idea who Clara is....
When Mari produces a music festival in Rio de Janeiro, she invites friends Tita, Aninha and Estrella to join her for another wild adventure....
The Devil himself comes to Earth to open his own church and the world becomes a pandemonium of delights and confusions. Based on a short story by Machado de Assis, the most famous realistic Brazilian writer of the XIX century....
Diana is a successful and happily married woman. At least that's what she thinks until she finds out that her husband is cheating on her with a young aspiring dancer....