This medical drama tells the story of a group of neurosurgeons with different personalities, facing patients with various intractable diseases and complicated operations, conscientiously saving lives in their respective positions. The two deputy chief physicians of neurosurgery, one is a "Lone Ranger" and the other is a "Surgery Frenzy". The two have different styles, but they will not have a better life with anyone. "Lone Ranger" Fan Xun (nickname Gu Xiong), the first quick knife in neurosurge...
Song Si Ning, the HR director of Changcheng Insurance Company, and Li Jun Long, the GM of a startup company, are a married couple, working together in the metropolis. They always have disputes over the education of their daughter Dora. Li Jun Long also wanted to have another child but Si Ning was in the peak of her career. Song Si Ning found herself at the crossroads of life, career- to advance or to retreat? Marriage-to hold on or to let go? In this family game, the couple carefully tasted the ...
In The Spring In The Spring In The Spring In The Spring...
Screenwriter Liu Xiangshang has a relatively free schedule in his daily schedule. He is responsible for the education and care of his son Guoning and daughter Guobao at home, while his wife Dai Jing chooses to work in an out-of-town company with a higher salary....
Set in the turmoil years of China, a foreign girl is saved and protected when she suicides because of her Chinese lover has been put into prison for mourning Premier Zhou....
Xiao befriends Amao, a 36 foot crocodile, who lives on his fathers croc sanctuary. Soon his father is forced to sell the crocodiles to a gangster who plans to use them for high priced meals....
China, the 1990s. A young bookseller is in love with a woman. The woman is now with another guy, a rich man. The rich man sends his people to beat the bookseller. In the fight, the laptop computer from a man looking at the scene gets broken. Who will pay for the computer? The bookseller wants revenge. Will it be useful? The bookseller and the laptop owner are from different ages and classes. They are two different points of view, two different Chinas. How will they fight for justice?...
Beijing, 1902: an enterprising young portrait photographer named Liu Jinglun, keen on new technology, befriends a newly-arrived Englishman who's brought projector, camera, and Lumière-brothers' shorts to open the Shadow Magic theater. Liu's work with Wallace brings him conflict with tradition and his father's authority, complicated by his falling in love with Ling, daughter of Lord Tan, star of Beijing's traditional opera. Liu sees movies as his chance to become wealthy and worthy of Ling. When ...
A pair of men and women, Zhang Wei (played by Zhou You) and Tang Ping (played by Huang Miyi), who have been beaten up by life and become rotten, accidentally bump into each other's world. Is this young newlywed couple choosing to continue lying flat or undergo a glamorous transformation while in a state of irritability?...
Ye Rutang (Siqin Gaowa), a single-living woman in her late fifties, struggles to maintain a dignified life amid the dangers of Shanghai....
On his way to Mecca for his pilgrimage, a young Orphan goes to Beijing, where is starts to learn about the art of jade crafting....
Don Quixote is a 2010 Chinese and Hong Kong film directed by Ah Gan based on Miguel de Cervantes' 17th-century novel....
Lu Hao, a fishing village in the coastal area of Shandong, flew to Los Angeles to visit the daughter-in-law of the immigrant American. Lu Hao, who couldn’t understand English, was introduced to an American man named Frank at the airport by a serviceman because the address of his daughter on the badge of Lu’s badge was separated from the address of Frank’s address. As her daughter-in-law was blocked on the way to the airport, Frank, who arrived at the airport, received Lu Hao from a cafe on the...
Chang E was chosen to become the bride of a god and forced to separate with Hou Yi, the man that she loves. However, they refuse to accept their fate and put up a fight against the immortals....
Taxi driver Xian Feng asks her husband Da Ming for a divorce. A legal technicality forces them to remain together....
Songsong is a kid from a broken family. He seeks love, attention, toys and sweets from his parents but both of them are too busy. His father is an engine driver has little time for the child and though he misses his mother, he is not allowed to see her. In his loneliness he finds a companion in a lovely white goose....