Otto's Ottifants is an animated series published in 1993, featuring the famous elephant-like characters created by german comedian Otto Walkes. Within a short period of time the humorous stories of Family Bommel and their notorious baby Bruno won the hearts of many young and old people in all the German-speaking areas in Europe....
Das Erbe der Guldenburgs is a German television series....
A pseudo-documentary story about what happens behind dance school walls....
A tailor sends his sons away. They each learn a trade and receive a special gift from their teacher....
A beautiful princess is betrothed to the prince of a neighboring kingdom, and when the time comes, she sets out with a small entourage to wed him. She is given a magic handkerchief by her mother, which she is told will protect her, along with a talking horse. Before she departs, her mother entrusts her to the care of her chambermaid, who promises to look after her. Unknown to the queen, however is the fact that the chambermaid desires the prince for herself, and has been concocting an evil plan ...