Treasure Island in Outer Space is a 1987 science fiction Italian and German television miniseries directed by Antonio Margheriti. It is based on the novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, setting the story in space on the year 2300. The series was produced by RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana in co-production with West Germany and France, and directed by Anthony M. Dawson. It is the biggest sci-fi production of Italian television. The miniseries of 5 episodes of 100 min was originally aire...
In 1925, Desmond Jordan, an American archaeologist, tries to find the mysterious Speaking Mountain that is supposed to be in the middle of the Sahara desert, where he meets a bunch of deserters from the French Foreign Legion, who are pursued by the ruthless Lieutenant Ryker....
A dentist buys a small yacht and takes his two children on a cruise of the Mediterranean. His ex-wife stows away to keep an eye on the children and the inevitable happens....
Fr. Hugh O'Flaherty is a Vatican official in 1943-45 who has been hiding downed pilots, escaped prisoners of war, and Italian resistance families. His activities become so large that the Nazis decide to assassinate him the next time he leaves the Vatican....