El Hormiguero is a Spanish television program with a live audience focusing on comedy, science, and politics running since September 2006. It is hosted and produced by screenwriter Pablo Motos. The show aired on Spain's Cuatro channel from launch until June 2011 and is now broadcast on Antena 3. Recurring guests on the show include Luis Piedrahita, Raquel Martos, Marron & "The Man in Black", and puppet ants Trancas and Barrancas. It has proved a ratings success, and has expanded from a weekly 12...
Three college students start a social experiment to prove that reality changes according to the words we use to describe it. Through research, activist actions, and artistic interventions, they analyze the importance of language in the way we understand the world. The documentary includes analysis from more than 20 international experts and leaders in the fields of political communication and information....
A multi-part feature on the governing body of Spain, the Popular Party under Jose María Aznar. Themes include the bombing of Iraq, immigration, U.S. fire in Baghdad, and the manipulation of the media....
Obsessively referring to the traumas and wounds that the Spanish civil war (1936-39) and Franco's dictatorship (1939-75) caused in their day no longer serves to explain the impassable abyss of incomprehension and hatred that the abject policies and radical positions adopted by both the right and the left in recent decades have opened up before the citizens of a country that is barely known beyond hackneyed cultural clichés....
Crooked cop Torrente gets out of jail in the year 2018 to find a different Spain from the one he knew....
A brilliantly animated adaptation of the classic Christian story, 3 WISE MEN features the voices of Emilio Estevez, Martin Sheen, and Mexican television star Jaci Velasquez. Created by the same artists who animated FANTASIA 2000, HERCULES, and TARZAN, the family-friendly film artfully brings to life the journey of Melchior, Gaspar, and Balthazar--the Three Kings who traveled to baby Jesus' birthplace under the guidance of the Star of Bethlehem....
The Spanish national soccer team will change forever thanks to Madrid's Iker Casillas and Barcelona's Xavi Hernandez. Both, along with the best players of their generation, will turn a historically losing side into the best team in history....
Year 2021. Veteran coach Joaquín Caparrós leads the Armenian National Football Team. 5,000 km away from his native Utrera and in just one year, he has become a hero for a country at war....
Disinformation, ignorance and the lack of dissemination of the Catalan reality in the rest of Spain make it necessary for civil society to reach an understanding....
Finally, 33 years later, the whole truth behind the attempted coup d'état that shook Spain on the afternoon of February 23, 1981, is revealed by those who lived through those dreadful hours; a deep look behind the heavy curtain which hides the real mastermind, waiting to be unmasked....
Hortensia is a mature officer of the INEM office. She has been abandoned by her husband so she doesn't believe in love anymore. One day Eduardo Fernandez goes to the employment office because after overcoming a deep depression, he has decided that his life has to get better....
"Escuela de seducción" is an acceptable comedy which deals, for the umpteenth time, with the war of the sexes using misunderstandings and fake personalities as dramatic resources. The premise is by no means original, but this is something most films lack nowadays, and therefore the result could have been more than acceptable....
Lawmakers and activists with conflicting ideologies speak about the complexities of Catalonia's politics and the fight for its independence from Spain....
An attempt to create a bridge between the different political positions that coexist, sometimes violently, in the Basque Country, in northern Spain....