Vivir a Destiempo is a Mexican telenovela produced by Fides Velasco and Jacky Castro for Azteca. It stars Edith González and Ramiro Fumazoni as the protagonists alongside Humberto Zurita, Andrea Noli and Wendy de los Cobos as the main villains. The original story and screenplay is written by Eric Vonn. From February 25 to September 20, 2013 Azteca 13 broadcast Vivir a Destiempo, replacing Los Rey....
Loving wife and mother Alba is accused of euthanizing her terminally ill husband. Facing a long prison sentence, she seeks the help of respected lawyer Franco. Alba's sister-in-law and Franco's wife plot to ruin their plans....
Over a road trip, triplets Ana Laura, Ana Leticia, and Ana Lucía, along with their parents, suffer a dramatic accident crashing by the side of a river. The consequences of this event are catastrophic: Both parents die, Ana Laura loses one leg, and Ana Lucía, unconscious, is dragged by the river’s flow. Only Ana Leticia, who actually caused the accident, emerges unscathed. Soledad, a woman who was seriously hurt after her daughter’s death, helps Ana Lucía, whom she finds agonizing. Although Soled...
The story of three brothers arises between dreams, ideals and frustrations in the context of a community rebellion to defend their river from a construction company....
A group of actors posing as others provide social recognition to its customers in order to obtain financial gain....