The true life story of Lindy Chamberlain and her recount of a dingo taking her baby...
Rove, formerly Rove Live, was an Australian television variety show which premiered on the Nine Network on 22 September 1999, before moving to Network Ten which aired the program from 2000 until November, 2009. The show was hosted by comedian Rove McManus, and featured an ensemble cast, who presented various segments throughout the course of the show. The show won the Logie Award for "Most Popular Light Entertainment Program" five times....
Bea Smith is locked up while awaiting trial for the attempted murder of her husband and must learn how life works in prison. A modern adaptation and sequel of the iconic Prisoner series....
DAAS Kapital is an Australian television comedy series which was written and performed by comedy trio the Doug Anthony All Stars. The show starred Paul McDermott, Tim Ferguson and Richard Fidler, along with Flacco, Michael Petroni, Bob Downe and Khym Lam. The first season of seven episodes was broadcast on Australia's ABC network in 1991. A second series was produced and went to air on the ABC in 1992. The title is a reference to the trio's acronym "DAAS" and Karl Marx's economic treatise Das K...
This two-part series chronicles the story of the Doug Anthony Allstars. For the first time they confront how Tim Ferguson's Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has impacted on their friendships at each step to international stardom....
Good News Week was an Australian satirical panel game show hosted by Paul McDermott that aired from 19 April 1996 to 27 May 2000, and 11 February 2008 to 28 April 2012. The show's initial run aired on ABC until being bought by Network Ten in 1999. The show was revived for its second run when the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike caused many of Network Ten's imported US programmes to cease production. Good News Week drew its comedy and satire from recent news stories, political figures, ...
Good News Weekend, a ten-week special, focussed more strongly on popular culture than the news and frequently featured musical guests and stand-up performers. The shows were broadcast live, with the exception of a few prerecorded sketches. From Wikipedia....
Good News Week was an Australian satirical panel game show hosted by Paul McDermott that aired from 19 April 1996 to 27 May 2000, and 11 February 2008 to 28 April 2012. The show's initial run aired on ABC until being bought by Network Ten in 1999. The show was revived for its second run when the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike caused many of Network Ten's imported US programmes to cease production. Good News Week drew its comedy and satire from recent news stories, political figures, ...
Good News Week was an Australian satirical panel game show hosted by Paul McDermott that aired from 19 April 1996 to 27 May 2000, and 11 February 2008 to 28 April 2012. The show's initial run aired on ABC until being bought by Network Ten in 1999. The show was revived for its second run when the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike caused many of Network Ten's imported US programmes to cease production. Good News Week drew its comedy and satire from recent news stories, political figures, ...
Justin, a young gay man is on a break from film school, struggling to come to terms with his father’s violent opposition to his sexual orientation....
Recorded live at the Sydney Comedy Store, this is their best songs, smut and shenanigans from their Difficult First Album tour....
Based on the true events surrounding Frank Sinatra's tour of Australia. When Sinatra calls a local reporter a "two-bit hooker", every union in the country black-bans the star until he issues an apology....
The Doug Anthony All Stars were an Australian musical comedy group who performed together between 1984 and 1994. The band was an acoustic trio comprising Paul McDermott and Tim Ferguson on main vocals and Richard Fidler on guitar and backing vocals. They were known for their aggressive, provocative style; their habit of involving audience members and their tendency to attack topical and sometimes controversial issues in their comedy. Dead & Alive, is a live recording of one of their London shows...
A romantic plumber and his unblinking wife are the only survivors of a suicide space cult. Two decades after the others went Next Level, they're still wearing capes, still trying to recruit members, and still not having sex. When a cancer scare forces them to face involuntary mortality, they rediscover the transcendent things down here on The Human Level....