While spending a summer-long family vacation by the lake, siblings Tommy, Nikki, and Daniel Fisher discover that their seemingly boring parents are actually daring undercover spies, who are chasing a devious villain aiming to dry up the country's water supply. When the siblings realize their parents' mission is in jeopardy, they form a secret task force called THE SPYDERS in order to help them out. Tommy, 12, a cute, irresistible goofball; Nikki, 15, a well-meaning but impetuous leader, and Dani...
Dan Gilman's traumatic childhood destined him for musical fame, yet the crescendo of his destiny reaches far beyond any stage....
Tel Aviv, Israel. The twisted paths of three very different men brutally collide due to a chain of unspeakable murders: a grieving father who has been doomed to seek vengeance and a police detective who boldly crosses the narrow boundary between law and crime meet a religion teacher suspected of being the murderer....
A story about two childhood friends, that just before they turn 40, they go on to a journey of self examination...
This documentary follows the investigation of the murder of Mela Malevsky by Aviva Granot and Eva Yeari. It combines interviews, archival photographs and recordings and extensive reconstruction by actors and actresses. All this in order to illustrate the events that took place in the interrogation room and outside....