X Factor is the Italian version of the British musical talent show The X Factor. The first four seasons aired on Rai 2, but since 2011 it has been broadcast on Sky Uno, with reruns on TV8, after Rai dropped the show due to high costs. Sky Italia acquired the format, extending its broadcast until 2024. Starting from the eleventh season, RTL 102.5 became the official radio station, replacing Radio Deejay and Radio 105. The show was hosted by Francesco Facchinetti (2008-2010), Alessandro Cattelan (...
Marco Santin and Giorgio Gherarducci - supported in the studio by Mago Forest, a great cast of comedians and many surprise guests - comment with biting irony on the most popular TV programs, the main sporting events and the last web trends....
A look at the dynamics of a fashion company, which opens a unique window on the vibrant world of Milan fashion....