Based off the same name novel by Liu Liu, the story revolves around the lives of people in the medical field...
When top secret research on the newest Bathyscaphe technology is stolen, a task force headed by Hong Shao Qiu and Ye Han is assigned to solve the case while the nation's secrets and defense is on the line....
Feng Xiaoqin, a determined daughter-in-law, and her wary sister-in-law Gu Qingyu grapple with family tensions and personal struggles after a sudden tragedy. Through conflict and self-discovery, the two women move from rivalry to understanding, coming together to face life’s challenges and protect their family’s future....
On top of waging wars on behalf of their clients, divorce lawyers Luo Li and Chi Hai Dong have major beef when it comes to their personal opinions on love and marriage: despite her profession, Li remains a hopeless romantic, while Hai Dong is the very definition of cynicism. But things get tricky when both colleagues discover they're new neighbors — will they object to their new relationship or will they find a way to settle their differences? So much for unwinding after work!...
A self-styled accident choreographer, the Brain is a professional hitman who kills his victims by trapping them in well crafted accidents that look like unfortunate mishaps. When the team's next assignment goes disastrously wrong, Brain begins to suspect that someone else has planned an ‘accident’ on them....