Life's a Zoo is a Canadian stop motion sitcom created by Adam Shaheen and Andrew Horne II. It is directed by Alexander Gorelick. A co-production of Cuppa Coffee Studios and Teletoon, "Life's a" was named Best Animated Program or Series at the 24th Annual Gemini Awards. It premiered on September 1, 2008 on Teletoon's late night programming block, "Teletoon At Night". It premiered on Smosh's Cartoon YouTube channel, Shut Up! Cartoons on June 23, 2013....
Caillou is an educational Canadian children's television series, based on the books by author Christine L'Heureux and illustrator Hélène Desputeaux. During the first season, many of the stories in the animated version began with a grandmother introducing the story to her grandchildren, then reading the story about the book. Since 1997, the narrator/grandmother is an unseen character. Caillou first aired on Canada's Teletoon channel in 1998; it later made its United States debut in English on Pub...
Broadcast on December 31st, Bye Bye is a comic year-in-review which consists of sketches that parody the political, cultural and social events of the past year....
Le Banquier is the Quebec adaptation of the international game show Deal or No Deal. It debuted on January 24, 2007 at 9pm on the TVA network. The program, produced in Montreal by JPL Production II Inc. and Endemol USA for TVA, is hosted by Julie Snyder. The show's main sponsors are Vidéotron and Hyundai. The show's first season ended on March 29, 2007. During the first season, episodes aired on Wednesdays at 9pm and Thursdays at 8pm. During the second season, episodes aired on Sundays at 7pm ...
Les Intrépides, is a France-Quebec TV series for children, released between 1993 and 1996, that ran for 52 episodes. The series is about adventures of two kids; Julie Boileau and Tom Miller, whose parents got married and that made them step-siblings. Tom and Julie run their own radio station for kids and help its listeners to resolve their - often criminal - adventures and problems....
This serial portrays the lives of young people in a student residence. Louise, who owns the house, has had to play every role imaginable, including mother, nurse, confidant, psychologist and probation officer. With their affection for Louise, it's no wonder they come back every year. Some manage to stand on their own two feet, but Louise is always there for them....
Louis Jobin is an ordinary young man from Montreal who sells televisions at an electronics store. He wins a contest sponsored by the local cable company in which the first prize is that he'll be followed non-stop by a camera crew, with the footage broadcast live on Channel 19. Unfortunately, his ordinary life is so ordinary, despite the best efforts of his starstruck mother, that the producers attempt to spice things up behind his back....