Ojamajo Doremi, known as Magical DoReMi internationally, is a magical girl anime television series created by Toei Animation in 1999. It focuses on elementary school students who become witch apprentices. Led by Doremi Harukaze, the girls must maintain their double lives in secret. Ojamajo Doremi has been followed up by three direct sequels, lasting until its end in 2003. During the television series' runtime, two companion films were released in theaters. The English dub, produced by 4Kids Ent...
Honey Kisaragi is a high school student at Sainte Chapelle Girls' School. On her 16th birthday, when she returns home, she discovers that her father Takeshi Kisaragi has been kidnapped by the Panther Claw gang because he had discovered a device that could allow the transformation of the human body. That same evening, Honey Kisaragi meets a man with long white hair who gives her the said device. She thus becomes Cutie Honey and fights Panther Claw to save her father. But a new transfer student,...
Nozomi Yumehara, a regular student, finds a magical book called the Dream Collet in the library and meets Coco and Nuts, two creatures from the Palmier Kingdom. They plead with Nozomi to restore their world, which has been destroyed by an organization called the Nightmares, by completing the Dream Collet and finding the 55 Pinkies to make any wish come true. Meanwhile, the Nightmares are moving into the real world. Once Nozomi agrees to help, Coco and Nuts transform her into the legendary warr...
One of the anime projects to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Precure franchise, this sequel will show Nozomi Yumehara and other characters from Yes! Precure 5 GoGo! and Precure Splash Star as grown-ups....
Atsuko Kagami is an elementary school girl who has an affinity for mirrors. One day, her favorite mirror which was given to Akko by her mother (or in some versions, by her father, as a present from India) is broken, and she prefers to bury it in her yard rather than throw it to the trash can. In her dreams, she is contacted by a spirit (or in some cases the Queen of the Mirror Kingdom) who is touched that the girl would treat the mirror so respectfully and not simply throw it away. Akko-chan is ...
Atsuko Kagami is an elementary school girl who has an affinity for mirrors. One day, her favorite mirror which was given to Akko by her mother (or in some versions, by her father, as a present from India) is broken, and she prefers to bury it in her yard rather than throw it to the trash can. In her dreams, she is contacted by a spirit (or in some cases the Queen of the Mirror Kingdom) who is touched that the girl would treat the mirror so respectfully and not simply throw it away. Akko-chan is ...
Omnimon confronts Mephistomon (who was formed from Apocalymon's data) in a dark corner of the Digital World over Mephistomon's attempt to destroy both the Digital World and the Real World and incorporate the data in order to become truly invincible. They fight, but then Mephistomon sees a chance and slips into the Real World....
One night, a man carrying a briefcase is attacked by masked bandits. Cutey Honey narrowly saves him. The man's briefcase, an archaeologist, contains a strange chrysalis that he stole from the Panther Claw organization. This butterfly, originally from Mexico and extinct for 6,000 years, is according to legend a guardian angel, helping men reach paradise. The Panther Claw organization tries to recover the briefcase, but fails again... However, they manage to kidnap Cutey Honey's best friend. To sa...
Mirai and Riko come to the human world to play, but are separated when the witch Sorcierre and her servant Trauuma suddenly appear. Their aim is to acquire the tears of the 44 Pretty Cure, using them for her Most Evil Magic. Only the friendship of all 44 Pretty Cure will allow them to protect the world....
While Nozomi and her friends are enjoying themselves at Princess Land, an amusement park, Coco and Nuts have been abducted into the Mirror Kingdom. At the same time, Shadow is after the Dream Collet so that he can use the power of the Pinkies to rule the Mirror Kingdom. To prevent this from happening, Migirin and Hidarin, who are residents of the Mirror Kingdom, become allies with Pretty Cure to assist in the fight against Shadow and rescuing Coco and Nuts. Source: Wapedia...
It's Nozomi's birthday, but it is disturbed by Bunbee chasing after a girl from another world, Chocola. When Pretty Cure rescue her, she thanks them by taking them to her country, Dessert Kingdom. In this cockaigne with rivers of juice and candy growing on trees, they feel very comfortable. But then they meet the evil Mushiban and his two subordinates Dry and Bitter. They want to take over the kingdom and change Pretty Cure into sweets. In order to save not only Nozomi's Birthday but also the wh...
One day Pop was out scavenging with Hana, and found a beautiful rose inside the Queen's garden. Curious, she picked the rose and brought it home. Unwittingly, that rose can cause all wishes to become true, whether good or bad. Good wishes will turn the rose white and bloom, while bad wishes will turn the rose black and wither. After a heated argument with her sister Doremi, Pop wishes that Doremi loses all her magic and be turned into a mouse. Hilarity ensues, as Doremi and the others try to put...
Tsubomi Hanasaki is woken by her best friend Erika Kurumi only to find out that their two fairies, Coffret and Shypre, have left just leaving a note explaining where to find them. Fairy Park is not only the destination of both girls, it is also the meeting point of all other Precures who planned to spend this special day together. This magical theme park holds the Rainbow Jewel, a special gem that represents all of the hopes and dreams of the world. Such a powerful stone is the object of desire ...
Love, Miki and Inori are on their way to a dance contest, but get lost on their way to Minato Mirai. Still looking for their way, they are attacked by a monster. When the three Fresh Precure girls start to fight it, other Precures show up to support them. They all have to combine their powers to win against this mighty enemy....
Precure All Stars Movie DX3: Deliver The Future! The Rainbow-Colored Flower That Connects The World is the third movie in the series, released on March 19, 2011, starring all the Cures from the previous series, including those introduced in Suite PreCure, as well as various villains featured in previous Pretty Cure movies. The theatrical release was edited in parts as a result of the 2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami which occurred before the movie was due to be released....
"Pretty Cure All Stars New Stage 3: Eternal Friends") is the sixth of the Pretty Cure All Stars crossover movie series featuring all current Pretty Cure characters and the last of the "New Stage" film....
A vengeful teru teru bozu-like monster called Miden is stealing all of the Cures' magical powers and memories, turning them into helpless infants, barring Nagisa Misumi and Hana Nono. They must help the affected Cures to regain their abilities and fight off this new menance....
A special included in the Eiga Yes! Precure 5 GoGo! Okashi no Kuni no Happy Birthday movie....
Nodoka and the others obtain something known as the "Dream Pendant" which gives them the ability to see holographic images of various things in Tokyo. These things vary from fish to animals to sweets!...