Inspired by the acclaimed graphic novel from Robert Rodi and Esad Ribic, Marvel Knights Animation's "Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers" takes a powerful look inside the minds of Thor & Loki, brothers in the mythical land of Asgard and seemingly forever enemies. But just why does Loki hate his brother Thor? And could it be that this master of mischief isn’t really the villain he’s been branded? Loki's insatiable lust for power and his feud with Thor take on new meaning in this resonant epic....
Four adults nearing 40, living under the same roof, struggle to keep their relationships and their individual dreams alive....
Four adults nearing 40, living under the same roof, struggle to keep their relationships and their individual dreams alive....
When a supernatural pit worshipped by a remote community in the woods demands a new blood sacrifice, a young woman struggles to find a way to survive as the pit lashes out in anger....
Ethan and Sophie are a married couple on the brink of separation when, at the urging of their therapist, they decide to salvage their relationship by escaping to a beautiful vacation house for the weekend....
When two bus crash survivors awake to discover that they are the only people left in their small town, they must form an unlikely alliance in a race to unravel the truth behind their isolation. As strange events begin to unfold, they start to question whether the town they know so well is really what it seems....
Lamb, based on the novel by Bonnie Nadzam, traces the self-discovery of David Lamb in the weeks following the disintegration of his marriage and the death of his father. Hoping to regain some faith in his own goodness, he turns his attention to Tommie, an awkward and unpopular eleven-year-old girl. Lamb is convinced that he can help her avoid a destiny of apathy and emptiness, and takes Tommie for a road trip from Chicago to the Rockies, planning to initiate her into the beauty of the mountain w...
In the near future, when communications go offline at a remote nuclear power plant isolated in the desert, a young safety inspector, Abby Dixon, is forced to fly out to bring them back online. Once inside the facility, mysterious clues and strange behaviors cause Abby to have doubts about the sanity, and perhaps identities, of the two employees onsite....
A wounded soldier's wife begins the long road to recovery after her husband is released into her care. But the strange noises next door may bring a more immediate struggle....