The young Maria Theresia sees her life clearly in front of her: she will marry Franz Stephan of Lorraine and start a family of many with him. Even if Franz Stephan is not quite sure of his luck and her father, Emperor Charles VI, and his powerful advisor Prince Eugene of Savoy forge quite different plans for them. It looks quite as if the young archduchess must sacrifice her happiness to the cause of the state...
"Mellékhatás" is a Hungarian drama series that follows Zoltán, a young and successful doctor, whose career is jeopardized after a critical medical error. In a desperate attempt to save his reputation, he makes unethical decisions that set off a dangerous chain of events. The series also explores the lives of Berta, a woman who has dedicated herself entirely to her family without recognition, and Anna, who faces her fears of motherhood while escaping a troubled past. As Zoltán's once stable marri...
Follows a 13-year-old girl who dreams to become a writer. While she is learning to write with the help of her neighbor, she suddenly realizes that her life is actually becoming a novel....
Housewife Katalin Munk has her world torn apart when her lecturer husband János arrives home to tell her that he’s leaving her for a younger student of his. Katalin falls into a state of shock and wanders about the streets of Budapest in just her dressing gown carrying a pair of scissors. After a series of misadventures, Katalin eventually ends up in Turkey, where suddenly Katalin is awakened and decides to start a new life after meeting local man Halil. Meanwhile her son Zoli tries to hunt Kata...
1956. Three Hungarian friends hijack a plane to escape from the Iron Curtain....
A hardcore soccer ultra, Gyula, and his wife, Mariann, long for a baby. But it turns out that Gyula is sterile and when their plans to adopt also go up in smoke, Mariann does a deal behind her husband's back: they will take in the soon to be born child of a young Roma woman. The ensuing state of affairs turns all of their lives upside down. While Gyula has to continually hide the truth from his racist friends, surprises await him in his private life, and when Cupid's arrow strikes him from the m...
An old woman flies past six floors after jumping from the roof of her apartment block. Six stories on the poor state of humanity, told with humour and rare imagination to the accompaniment of a pulsating soundtrack from Amon Tobin. A woeful burlesque set in the present by one of Europe’s most original contemporary filmmakers....
After the death of her husband, a mother decides to fulfill his last wish and runs the marathon in relays with her daughters. A small problem is that none of them are physically and mentally prepared for running. Furthermore, the relatives and friends are also unexpectedly affected by the women's seemingly impossible challenge....
Two introverted people find out by pure chance that they share the same dream every night. They are puzzled, incredulous, a bit frightened. As they hesitantly accept this strange coincidence, they try to recreate in broad daylight what happens in their dream....
A murder mystery set in 1936 Budapest, just as Hungary was preparing to align itself with Hitler. A beautiful young girl is found dead and nobody wants to investigate—except Gordon, a crime reporter who has a gut feeling that things are not what they seem....
Emerenc, an elderly and private woman, is hired to be the housekeeper of a struggling writer, Magda. An event in the writer's life prompts Emerenc to disclose details of her traumatizing past, which will bond the two women forever. Based on the novel by Magda Szabó....
Gergő’s mother is obsessed with having a grandchild. She has a serious heart disease and has only days left to live. To give his mum some joy during her final hours, Gergő asks his neighbour Saci, who is five months pregnant, to visit his mother in hospital with him and tell her that she is carrying his child. It all goes smoothly, but a new heart arrives, and his mum is operated. Therefore, Gergő and Saci are forced to play the roles of the loving couple....
In the mid-1980s, a young rural woman gave birth to a child with physical and intellectual disabilities. She fought persistently for her family's happiness alongside her abusive husband, but her efforts were doomed to fail. More than thirty years have passed since then; the girl has become a woman, yet she has been unable to process her experiences. This is why she started a blog, which quickly gained hundreds of thousands of readers. Éva Péterfy-Novák's story is about moving forward after los...