Asian Treasures is an action-adventure Philippine drama aired and produced by GMA Network starred by Angel Locsin and Robin Padilla, and was directed by Eric Quizon. This show is all about Asian History. It was the first Philippine drama shot in multiple countries such as Mongolia, Thailand and China. Its pilot episode, which garnered a 41.8% rating, aired on January 15, 2007. It was the most expensive TV series ever produced in the Philippine television costing more than 140 million pesos, ro...
Atlantika is a Filipino telefantasya produced by GMA Network about the fictional undersea kingdom of Atlantika. The series premiered on October 2, 2006 and ended on February 9, 2007. A behind-the-scenes introductory special, Atlantika: Ang Lihim ng Karagatan, was aired on October 1, 2006. The series' tagline is "Two different worlds. One eternal love."...
Miko and Mia, ran away with a travelling circus to escape a person who is after them. After their parents disappeared, they rely on the protection of a group of circus performers that include a magician, a fire-breather, an acrobat, a strongman, and a clairvoyant. They will discover that their new circus family is a group of magical folk in disguise....
Mga Basang Sisiw or Lost Children is a Filipino drama television series developed by Dode Cruz and produced by GMA Network. It premiered on June 3, 2013, replacing Unforgettable on the network's coveted Afternoon Prime block, and on June 5, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series is inspired on Agustin dela Cruz's classic Filipino film of the same title and topbilled by Lani Mercado, Raymond Bagatsing, Gardo Versoza, Maxene Magalona, Mike Tan and featuring Renz Valerio, Bianca Umali, Kimberl...
Hiram na Puso or A Change of Heart is a Filipino drama series created and written by Suzette Doctolero, under the directions of Andoy Ranay and Roderick Lindayag, and produced by GMA Network. The series features Kris Bernal and Gina Alajar as the main protagonists, with Mark Herras, Bela Padilla, Polo Ravales, Gardo Versoza and Ayen Munyi-Laurel. The series premiered March 5, 2012 replacing Kokak on GMA Afternoon Prime and March 7, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The story centers on the lives...
Ikaw Lang Ang Mamahalin is a remake of the 2001 primetime television series of the same title. Produced by GMA Network, the 2011 version stars Barbie Forteza, Joshua Dionisio, Joyce Ching and Kristofer Martin and directed by Roderick Lindayag. It premiered last October 10, 2011 replacing Sinner or Saint in GMA's Afternoon Prime block. The Series maintains a High-Rating lead on the Afternoon schedule. The series concluded on February 10, 2012, it ran for 18 weeks with 90 episodes in all. It was...
Magdusa Ka or Misery is a Filipino drama series created by Pablo S. Gomez, developed by Aloy Adlawan and produced by GMA Network, as the eight production of Sine Novela. It headlined Katrina Halili, Dennis Trillo and Iwa Moto as the lead characters and directed by Maryo J. de los Reyes. It is a television adaptation of a popular 1986 Filipino movie of the same title. The series nominated for the 37th International Emmy Awards for Best Telenovela. The series premiered on May 12, 2008 and conclude...
The battle starts during the Spanish era when Apo Abukay (Gardo Versoza) wants to gain power as he plans to dominate the world. He then failed to fulfill his plans after Conde Vergonze killed him. After his death, his cursed soul remains. Many years later, during the 1980s, Karag-ayan Amelia (Lorna Tolentino) and the Binhi-lan Rodolfo (Jestoni Alarcon) fall in love with each other. Amelia gives birth to twin boys. The two are raised separately, not knowing that the other exists. Miguel (the son ...
"Kung Mahawi Man Ang Ulap" or Through It All is a Philippine drama that aired on GMA Network we was aired on July 30, 2007 and ended November 9, 2007 under the wing of Sine Novela. This series was the third installment of Sine Novela. The original movie was released back in 1984 by Viva Films and stars Chrstopher De Leon, Hilda Coronel, Gloria Romero, Eddie Garcia, Michael De Mesa and Amy Austria. The series was aired internationally, with a two-week delay, from August 13, 2007 until November 23...
Never Say Goodbye is a Philippine television drama broadcast on TV5. It started on February 11, 2013....
Bituin is a Filipino soap opera that was aired by ABS-CBN from September 23, 2002 to May 23, 2003. It starred Carol Banawa and Desiree Del Valle, with Nora Aunor and Cherie Gil. The series was re-aired in 2007–2008 through Kapamilya Channel. Bituin was famously known for the line that Nora Aunor belts out in a high caliber dramatic scene: "Nasaan Nasaan si Bernadette at Melody?" The line was repeated in movies, TV series, and comedy bars. It was also known to have the highest rated episode wi...
Biglang Sibol, Bayang Impasibol is a Philippine comedy-drama series produced by TAPE, Inc. and aired over GMA Network. Directed by Jeffrey Jeturian, this series revolves around two warring families and their complicated but funny lives and loves....
It Might Be You is a Filipino drama series produced and aired by ABS-CBN. The series revolves around Lawrence and Cielo, who've known each other since they were little and fell in love. The series ran from December 8, 2003 until December 10, 2004....
A former DEA agent forced into early retirement runs a gift shop in in the Philippines. Despite his best efforts to begin a tranquil new life, he’s pulled back into a world of dangerous people and deadly situations, either through his friends in the local police department or running into people from his old life. And the problem is: he likes it....
Daniel Villareal is trying to escape his tumultuous past. In a tragic event, he assumes the identity of Jacob del Rosario and starts life anew as a doting husband and family man to a homicide detective wife Iris Del Rosario. In a twist of events, his dark past as a suspected serial murderer catches up on him with his secrets unfolding. Detective Iris takes the lead on a case that will make his past catch up with the present, they will both stop at nothing to find out the truth and protect the li...
A con artist takes on the job of pretending to be one of the long-lost sisters of a young and rich woman. As she navigates a world of cunning and lies, she learns about right and wrong, love and family, and spectacular truths about herself....
Sinag Obispo is a cheerful radio DJ in Pelangi, a small town in Quezon where life is simple and peaceful–until property developers arrive to take over the area. As Sinag fights to protect her beloved hometown, she meets Benjie Rosales, the young and hardworking architect who may just turn her life around....
The life of an ordinary young woman takes a sharp turn after she becomes the nanny of the Philippine vice president’s children....
Sandugo is a 2019 Philippine drama television series starring Aljur Abrenica and Ejay Falcon. The series aired on ABS-CBN's Kapamilya Gold afternoon block and worldwide on The Filipino Channel from September 30, 2019 to March 20, 2020, replacing Precious Hearts Romances Presents: Los Bastardos....
Eddie Romero's miniseries adaptation of the novel from Filipino writer and activist Jose Rizal, published during the Spanish colonial period of the Philippines in 1887. Noli Me Tángere (Latin for "Touch Me Not") explores perceived inequities in law and practice in terms of the treatment by the ruling government and the Spanish Catholic friars of the resident peoples in the late nineteenth century....
The story revolves around Juan dela Costa and Happy. The two meet each other when Juan rescues Happy from a thief. Their romance leads to a wedding. Their relationship with their families is opposed, and the couple can't have a child on their own, so they decide to adopt one instead....
More than Words...
Joni, a promising street-smart pool-hustling girl, who fights her way from the slums to get a shot at becoming a pool champion in the male-dominated world of billiards. As Joni continues to bust balls on her way to the top, her impending blindness that might ruin her dream of becoming the first woman champion in a mixed-gender billiards tournament is on the line....
This is another action-drama film where the protagonist exacts payment of debts....
A long-term couple finally decides to get engaged, and per Filipino pre-wedding tradition, the groom-to-be and his family go to his fiancée's family to settle the union. A series of unfortunate events follow as a pandemic hits, with the government suddenly implementing an Enhanced Community Quarantine. Now the would-be bride and groom, joined by their warring families, must live under one roof during a mandated lockdown....
Anna, an elementary school teacher, discovers that her student Grace is a victim of abuse. Driven by maternal instinct, Anna abducts Grace to protect her and assumes the role of a mother. As they bond amid threats from the authorities and Grace's abusive mother, Anna confronts her painful past, realizing that she needs healing as much as Grace does....
Rey Valera relives the inspirations - people, situations, communities, and times - that spurred him to compose some of his most popular and deeply meaningful Original Pilipino Music hits across the decades of his iconic career....
It's a story about the search for Prinsipe Sabong. The best gamecock that beat Joey's 12-time Champion cock. He went back home to look for it. But Joey found Love instead. Love of his father. Love of his brother Love of his adoptive siblings... But the forbidden love of a woman prompted him to leave his home once again. So when he finally found Prinsipe Sabong, The search ended. But not the quest...
A poor girl named Mona was forced to work as a dancer in a night club and the life she led as a consequence of her work....
Gruff retiree Rene rejects most human contact, but begins to soften once he comes to terms with his homosexuality....
An outspoken cashier and laidback grocery bagger navigate the path to being happy despite the challenges of their blue-collared living in a world where nothing comes for free....
Toryo Liwanag is a born trouble maker. He sees no difference between being in jail and out of it saying that once he gets out he is basically only in a different much larger enclosure. A cage of crime and poverty. One day he meets Liway, a PUP colegiala looking to interview and put into study the behavior of troublemakers, the likes of Toryo. He is released from prison. But trouble seems to have a crush on Toryo....
Plot Unknown...
Selya is disappointed with Bobby who only wants sex but no real relationship nor marriage. So she leaves and decides to marry the gay Ramon who, she is convinced, is definitely different....
Directed by Francis Posadas....
A erotic drama chronicles the amorous exploits of a winsome young bride. When her affluent but crippled spouse fails to fulfill her physical desires, she seeks sexual satisfaction outside her marriage by taking a lover. Sunshine Cruz delivers a standout performance in a supporting role....
Two brothers migrate to a city to escape the violence in their village, but the city's leader has other plans in mind for them....
Jojo grew in the house of his wicked Lola Susana who never taught him to be a rightful person. He became an image of his grandmother--- deceitful, arrogant and very greedy. He intentionally destroys the lives of his brothers and his sister without knowing that his own actions leads to his own downfall....
Starring Ian Veneracion, Jonh Regala, E.R. Ejercito, Gardo Versoza, Jon Hernandez, Tony Ferrer, Johnny Delgado, Rina Reyes, Roldan Aquino, Dick Israel, Shirley Fuentes, Perla Bautista, Suzanne Gonzales, Turko Cervantes, Joboy Gomez, Evelyn Vargas, Edward Salvador and Debrliz / Directed by Toto Natividad...
The Gospel of John is reimagined as a Filipino pasyon tale....
A rich heiress leaves her cheating boyfriend, escapes to the countryside, and falls for a local folk singer....
Phillip Salvador plays a real-life rebel commander in this action film....
The married life of Sabel and Brian was cut short when three men rape her and kill Brian in their honeymoon. Surviving from the crime, she vows to let the culprits experience hell....
Accused of treason, Dr. Jose P. Rizal awaits trial and meets with his colonial government-appointed counsel, Luis Taviel de Andrade. The two build the case and arguments for the defense as significant events in the central figure's life prior to his incarceration unfold. Upon hearing Rizal's life story, Taviel begins to realize that the accused not just is innocent but exhibits in fact all the qualities of an extraordinary man. When the mock trial unreels, Taviel is all set to act as the prime a...
A man takes revenge on his sister by hiring her as his personal assistant....
Four men, four stories, all intersect in Manila. Episode one is about Ariel, a con-man. Episode two is about Boy, an expectant father. In the third episode, Ronald goes to Manila to sell a building. And in the fourth story Baste saves his sister from Ariel....
Via, the only daughter of Don Fernando, was raised as his darling princess. On her eighteenth birthday, she found out that her father has promised her hand in marriage to her childhood friend, Michael, and before the birthday party was over, she got kidnapped. She was rescued by a good Samaritan named Gabriel, whom she fell in love with. As the story unfolds, Via ended up having to decide between the two men in her life, while learning more about her mother Magda and fighting off her evil aunt S...
The journey in solving the greatest mysteries of life begins on the first day of school. Brainy Indy, MVP MJ2, Sosy Pre, Rebel Gael and Nice Guy Nathan are college freshmen who enter FDH University without knowing what college life will bring them. Until they all got involved in the biggest mystery the university has ever encountered- B.W.A.C.A. or Basketball Water Contamination Accident. Initial investigation shows that the water drank by the players during the game was contaminated by a mys...
A Filipino police story about Mariano Mison one the head of bureau who investigated the Vizconde massacre....
Wendy and Sean meet on an airplane en route to New York. In a matter of days, they decide to get married....
A land-grabbing tycoon and a former sexy male actor are in a tight race for mayor in a small town. When violence erupts, Emmy, a teacher, runs into the wilderness with a ballot box, the last copy of the election result....
Femme fatale causing death to anyone she ever crossed paths with....
Loosely based on a rape case that happened to two sisters in Cebu, Visayas, Philippines in late 1990s....
Two cousins accomplish the final wish of their dying uncle to deliver a brown paper bag to a seedy, run-down hotel crawling with shady characters and retrieve in exchange a mysterious package....
A romantic-action directed by Abbo DeLa Cruz featuring Gardo Versoza and Priscilla Almeda....
A film by Francis Posadas....
Rosita and Julio are in love, but all that changes when Julio has to marry a woman that he had gotten pregnant. Heartbroken, Rosita decides to get married to mentally challenged Monchito. Julio returns to the province to look for Rosita as the woman he married did not turn out to be pregnant. Will Julio be able to woo Rosita back?...
A young, struggling couple tries to make ends meet by having the husband pose in the nude for a sex-starved female sculptor. When he dies in a shoot-out, his statue comes to life... but is "he" the property of his wife or of the sculptor?...
An oblivious superhero, passed down her super powers in the form of the “Wander Bra” to an ordinary woman who becomes a supernatural woman every time she wears the magical bra all....
The dramatization of the life of General Ronald dela Rosa....
A dedicated, honest, tough cop decides to go after the bad eggs among law enforcers. In the process, he puts his life and family on the line....
Director: Mauro Gia Samonte Stars: Gardo Versoza, Isabel Granada, Gia Angeles...
A hilarious look at the altered lifestyles of people in quarantine in need of doleouts....
Bawal Na Gamot is a 1994 Philippine action crime film directed by Francis "Jun" Posadas and written by Ricardo Lee. The film stars Romnick Sarmenta. The film is named after the hit song of Willy Garte and promotes the anti-drug campaign...
A father takes his daughter, who is traumatized by demon attacks, in a rest house in time for holy week. He enlists the help of his spiritual healer cousin to protect her from evil. But as they go nearer to Good Friday, the dark force intensifies....