Set in 1582 during the Ming Dynasty, the series follows Zhong Yuan, the chief imperial bodyguard, as he investigates a series of mysterious events in Beijing. These include the disappearance of the imperial treasury's silver, the escape of notorious criminals, and the emergence of the "Jiangyang Eight," a group of highly skilled thieves. As Zhong Yuan delves deeper, he uncovers a conspiracy involving the corrupt eunuch Feng Bao and strives to protect the emperor and the realm from internal threa...
Cheng Chumo, once a shiftless young man, transforms his life after falling for Fu Rou, a diligent merchant's daughter. To win her heart, Chumo dedicates himself to studying and eventually decides to serve his country by leading a campaign against coastal pirates. Meanwhile, Fu Rou becomes a court-weaving official through a series of events, complicating their secret meetings. As she uncovers dark secrets and a dangerous plot, Fu Rou and Chumo must use their wits and skills to overcome their chal...
A story that follows a Crown Prince who faces enemies from all sides and falls in love with a maidservant who wants to kill him. He is a son simply yearning for his father's love but is feared and suppressed due to his position. Despite the conflicts, the Crown Prince is a man willing to sacrifice his life and reputation for his country....
Shen Zhengyi, a passionate ice skater, strives to become a professional short-track speed skater by joining the Zhu Feng Sports Club. Despite lacking formal training, she overcomes physical and mental challenges, earning her teammates' trust and becoming a standout competitor. Along the way, she uncovers past secrets involving her mother and coach Zhuang Yue, forming a strong teacher-student bond as both generations fight for their dreams....
Set in the late 1920s, it follows the three daughters of Shanghai department store giant Xinghua as they go head to head against each other to determine the true heir who will ensure the family’s continued prosperity....
A story that follows a Crown Prince who faces enemies from all sides and falls in love with a maidservant who wants to kill him. He is a son simply yearning for his father's love but is feared and suppressed due to his position. Despite the conflicts, the Crown Prince is a man willing to sacrifice his life and reputation for his country....
The famous Chinese story of a young girl known as the genius strategist from Ancient China's Northern Song Dynasty who will fall in a love of the heir of the Generals of the Yang family, Yang Zongbao, and who will fight for her country. It is the story of the rise of a girl who will take the command of the Emperor's troops in a society where women had no right to be anything else....
A story about unlocking the years of hurt and resentment that has caused the strained relationship between Xiao Dingquan and his father, the King. Despite his position as the crown prince, Xiao Dingquan (Luo Jin) was unloved and unfavored by his own father (Huang Zhizhong). Through countless incidents, he has grown into a man of wisdom and courage. After Qi Wang (Jin Han) was sent into exile, Xiao Dingquan intended to leave peacefully with Lu Wenxi (Li Yitong) but discovers that she is being th...
Pottery factory owner Ming Fu (Ng Kai Wah) is haunted by visions of the blazing death of his business partner in a suspicious fire. Widowed, Ming is set to marry Ye Yue (Miao Pu) much to the consternation of Ming’s “Rebecca”-like housemaid Zhen Zi (Ayumi Ito of “All About Lily Chou-Chou”), who just happens to be his late wife’s sister. Yarn hints at paranormal causes as more of Ming’s business associates die one by one, but an early slip gives the game away. Zhang’s helming, aided by Japane...
In the northwest desert where countless prosperous dynasties have flourished and fallen, there is rumor of a treasure of unbelievable riches buried among it. A group of mysterious guardians have been guarding the map to the location of the treasure until a fierce rivalry erupted. A notorious international crime group, The Company hunted down the map keeper and before they managed to secure the map, the keeper passed the map to a young chivalrous man Ciao Fei. Ciao Fei was forced to give up the m...
Sergeant Tong is wracked with guilt after he unwittingly kills a young girl whilst capuring a criminal named Cheung. When the girl's sister is later kidnapped in a ploy to get Cheung released, Sergeant Tong vows to find and rescue her before she comes to harm....
A country girl marries a projectionist to satisfy her passion for the movies, but when her husband has an accident, she is forced to take over, and their life together is never the same....
A story centered on a company that grants wishes to people looking for a day away from their ordinary lives....
The tale of one man who fought against the tyranny of a ruler and led his people in battle in the ultimate sacrifice for his country....
Set in the village of Aicun, Yunnan province, pic begins in the early '80s, with poor, lame farmer Ge Wang (Tuo Guoquan) pressured by his family to marry the mentally and emotionally stunted Cherry (Miao Pu). Ge weds the unkempt but harmless woman, who spends most of her time chasing children and offering them the fruit that is her namesake. Once married, the shamelessly sexual and embarrassingly naive Cherry shows an insatiable desire to have her own child. Fate intervenes in the second act wh...
The father who wants to become a full score alone to raise his daughter, even in order to let his daughter to go to a better school, by selling fried rice even saved up a set of school district housing, but just when everything life into the right track, a sudden accident, so that the daughter surprised to find out the identity of her father's "aliens" in the daughter's worshipful gaze, the old Jin can do anything to perform "super powers". Under his daughter's adoring gaze, Lao Jin performs his...
Living in the guilt of sacrificing his informant in a previous operation, Criminal Intelligence Inspector Don Lee is wary when his superior orders him to send another informant to spy on the criminal operations of Barbarian, a vicious gangster plotting a jewelry heist. He seeks ex-convict Ghost, who agrees to work for Don despite vowing to go straight since he's desperately in need of money to repay a debt and save his sister. Ghost's driving skills help him infiltrate Barbarian's gang and earn ...
Chinese film directed by Jin Chen....
Don Quixote is a 2010 Chinese and Hong Kong film directed by Ah Gan based on Miguel de Cervantes' 17th-century novel....
When circumstances force an outlaw to impersonate a county governor and clean up a corrupt town, the Robin Hood figure finds himself in a showdown with the local godfather....
During the war against the Japanese, a white horse named Feifei steers away a enemy raiding teams to save its wounded master....