The storyline of the series is inspired by the events of 1994 in Jelgava, when 89 prisoners escaped from Pārlielupe Prison, tens of thousands of people were involved in their search, and mass arrests continued for ten years. dramas of mutual relations, a massive and enigmatic escape is organized, in parallel with the flourishing of the love of the main character and the daughter of the head of the prison and the hopes for a new, beautiful life....
Ketija is a troubled orphan who wants to escape her everyday life and fulfill her dream of becoming an architect. At a party, seeing an opportunity, she tries to steal money to start a new life. Her attempt is noticed and a chase begins, which ends in an accident, and Ketija ends up in the hospital. There she is approached by one of the richest families in Latvia, who recognize her as their daughter who disappeared eight years ago....
Mia, an obedient daughter of a piano teacher, challenges her mother’s patience as she grows up and learns more about the life outside her room together with a boy next door. This coming-of-age story, entirely shot from a fixed top-down perspective of Mia’s room, depicts short snippets spanning 16 years of a girl’s life. What begins as a simple daily life of a child slowly turns into a dramatic teen experience, culminating in a decision that took all these years to come to....
Struggling against the totalitarian regime of occupied Soviet Latvia, a talented young doctor is stripped of her career, her joy for life, and even her maternal instincts....
17-year-old Ria is a sensitive and mysterious young woman. Ria's mother has suffered in a car accident and has stopped speaking since her daughter's birth. The family grows deer for sale, yet, the business is not successful. To earn some money, her father decides to organize a hunt....
The film is about a middle-aged couple experiencing a midlife crisis. The husband and wife are tired of life together and start to forget the love they once shared in their youth....
The 14th of June 1941, Soviet-occupied Latvia: Without warning, the authorities break into the house of Melanie and her husband Aleksandr and force them to leave everything behind. Together with more than 15 000 Latvians, Melanie and her son get deported to Siberia. In her fight against cold, famine and cruelty, she only gains new strength through the letters she writes to Aleksandr, full of hope for a free Latvia and a better tomorrow....
A psychological thriller about a middle-aged intellectual who, in an attempt to restore his reputation in his wife’s eyes, accidentally commits a murder. As time passes, he begins to see a link between the deceased, his wife’s pregnancy and the mysterious blackmailer who is forcing him to act against his will....
A family film based on the book Bille by Vizma Belševica. An extraordinary, lonely yet spiritually strong little girl attempts to comprehend the adult world, which in her eyes is very contradictory, and to prove her own value despite the ignorance and lack of appreciation by her family in late 1930s. Bille tries to find an escape in her vivid imagination....
A modern story of love and how dangerous it is to play with the feelings of another....
An actress faces a difficult choice when her teenage daughter gets unwell right before the opening night of a show....