A story that details the the lives of ordinary civilians amidst the magnanimous changes in Chinese society over the years. At the end of the 1970s, the Zhou family lived in a provincial city in the north. The father, Zhu Zhi Gang, has just participated in the Third Front Movement in Xi Nan. The eldest son, Zhou Bing Yi, responds to a national call to become part of the first batch of "educated" youths sent to live and work in rural areas. The eldest daughter, Zhou Rong, follows her poet husband ...
When a sales agent and her husband find that all their dreams may vanish into thin air due to problems at work, they scrimp and strive to make a better living for themselves. Liu Ai is the best salesperson in the business. Her husband Yang Guang is a designer. The two have a simple dream, to make enough money so that they can have kids and buy a house. Liu Ai is shocked when come year end, her boss reneges on the money that she rightfully earned, so she quits her job in a fit of temper. Alread...
"In the Name of People" is a Chinese television drama adapted from Zhou Meisen's novel.Set in the fictional city of Jingzhou, the series revolves around the intense anti-corruption efforts led by prosecutor Tian Guofu and anti-corruption officer Sha Rui Jin. As they investigate a series of high-level corruption cases, the drama unfolds a complex web of political intrigue and power struggles. Widely acclaimed for its compelling characters and tightly-woven plot, the show sparked significant socia...
In the spring of 1931, after the Communist Party successfully set up many communication stations in China, they set their sight on Western Europe and assigned two of their agents ”Asthray'” and “Porcelain” to Paris. From there on, the stories of secret deal, hidden betrayal, questionable death, forbidden love, and brotherhood among the military and a prominent family’s members were unraveled....
32-year-old Yang Tao is a beautiful single lady who works as a hotel manager. Yang Tao's mother is anxious for her to settle down to start a family and constantly sets her up on outrageous blind dates much to her despair. Guo Ran is a 35-year-old bachelor who settles divorce cases at the national registry of marriage. Due to the ugly scenarios that he consistently witnesses at work, he adopts a cynical view of marriage. One day, Guo Ran's buddy, Xi Feng, decides to set him up on a blind date wit...
The Sun sisters are two siblings with vastly different personalities and life paths. One of them, Sun Xin, is a brave and independent woman who values freedom and isn't afraid to fight for what she believes in. She is also known for her beauty and generosity. Sun Xin's career is flourishing, as she works in the internet industry and has a bright future ahead. On the other hand, Sun Xiang is a sweet and affectionate woman who loves to socialize and laugh. Despite her innocent and kind nature, sh...
Hurry Up, Brother! is a Chinese variety show based off the original Korean variety show, Running Man. It is created by SBS and co-produced with Zhejiang Television. It first aired on October 10, 2014. This show is classified as a game-variety show, where the MCs and guests complete missions in a landmark to win a race. In 2017, the show officially changed its name to "Keep Running"....
A labor documentary interactive reality show that selects 10 young individuals to form the 'Farming Squad,' which will authentically document their entire process of operating a farm on 142.8 acres of land over 190 days. This includes sowing, irrigating, fertilizing, and harvesting, as well as live-streaming their sales to establish a self-sustaining farmers' market....
Xiao Qing, the principled daughter of a heroic prosecutor, meets Shu Che, a classmate determined to distance himself from his corrupt father's shadow. Their love blossoms, but when their fathers face off in a legal battle, their relationship is tested, forcing them to choose between love and duty....
Our Inn is a large scale space time scenario experience variety show which features 7 regular members who are partners of the inn....
Gu Feng and Yan Min are about to marry when Yan Min’s mother strongly opposes the union, causing complications. In the midst of this, Gu Feng’s sister encourages him to marry Han Jinbei, a wealthy woman who has developed feelings for him. As the story unfolds, the characters navigate love, family, and unexpected challenges....
In 500 B.C., during Chinas famed 'Spring and Autumn Period', Kong Ze (Confucius), a commoner reverred for his outstanding wisdom, is made Minister of Law in the ancient Kingdom of Lu. Under his inspired leadership, Lu ascends to new heights but becomes a target of conquest for the warlike nation of Qi. Threatened with annihilation by their powerful neighbour, a desperate people turn to their greatest teacher to lead their most powerful army. When Confucius delivers a stunning victory against all...
Women soldiers of the Volunteer Army battle the Japanese in Northeast China in 1936....
"Fight Time" tells the story of male and female cattle Dingding and came to Shenzhen to find work in the red, hit the hardest jobs season, when cornered stem from the most world's most Jiong Cock wire work - fun product experience staff. Both companies are arranged to produce the same suite of growing feelings that are red and have a child abandoned by her boyfriend, cattle Dingding father decided to take more responsibility, and with red registration of marriage. Although in reality cruel, hard...
The film consists of five story units: "Concert on the Clouds", "The Enemy and Enmity of the Square", "Welcome to Jina Village", "Calm Down", and "Sunset Red Scout". It tells the struggle of ordinary characters in the new era to pursue a better life. The story shows the country’s development and progress, people’s livelihood changes, and the people’s sense of gain, happiness, and security....