Hurry Up, Brother! is a Chinese variety show based off the original Korean variety show, Running Man. It is created by SBS and co-produced with Zhejiang Television. It first aired on October 10, 2014. This show is classified as a game-variety show, where the MCs and guests complete missions in a landmark to win a race. In 2017, the show officially changed its name to "Keep Running"....
Based off the very popular CGI animation series Qin's Moon, comes an adaptation from Tangren....
Legend of Nine Tails Fox consists of 6 supernatural stories and folktales about fox spirits and ghosts taken from Strange Tales from Liao Zhai written by Pu Song Ling....
Can they put their differences aside for the greater good? Chen Jing Chou is a playful, childish descendant of the Chen Dynasty. Yu Wen Tuo is the descendant of the rival Northern Zhou Dynasty who is on a mission to recover his fallen empire. When Jing Chou’s shifu (master) is placed into a frozen limbo by Satan, Jing Chou and Wen Tuo join forces to hunt down 10 mystical weapons that can close the Gates of Hell and banish the evil demons from the human world. Joining them on this epic journey ar...
Zhang Xiao, a Chinese young woman from the 21st century, accidentally travels back in time to the Qing Dynasty period during the reign of Kangxi Emperor after experiencing a deadly combination of traffic collision and electrocution, resulting her somehow reliving the life of one of her previous incarnations and forcing her to assumes the identity belongs to her past: Maertai Rouxi (Liu Shi Shi), the teenage daughter of a Manchu nobleman, who also had a near-fatal incident in her own time which Z...
Go Fighting! is classified as a game-variety-reality show, and the MCs and guests complete missions at a landmark to win the objective. Usually each episode will also have an over-arching theme or story. Each episode varies in the challenges and the instructions given to the MCs, and rules are not strictly enforced, resulting in a largely unscripted show....
This is an extraordinary tale of how an ordinary scholar becomes a prince of a different surname (from the imperial family). With his wife, he lives in poverty, and to repay his wife's unswerving loyalty to him, he goes to the capital to take the Imperial Examination. By chance, he helps solve a court case and is then tied into the national affairs of the country....
Xia Meng Xun, Tang Chao, and Bai Zhou are three individuals from rich families brought together by 3 mysterious Buddha statues. Xia Meng Xun is the daughter of a Taiwanese tycoon and her fiancée, Bai Zhou is the sole successor of his clan. She bumps into Tang Chao and falls in love with him. They embarked on an adventure together filled with dangers to uncover their family secrets and find love in the process....
After her birthday party, ad executive Michelle finds herself caught between cheerful Tony, dreamy Bill, youthful Jeb, and rich Tiger. Overwhelmed with stress, another complication quietly forms in her life....
A college couple has their relationship tested by the obstacles they encounter realizing their artistic dreams....
Six crazy stories occur in the new year's eve....
High school sweethearts QiaoQiao and Li Xing are about to graduate from university and Li Xing surprises QiaoQiao with a marriage proposal. QiaoQiao, however, declines the proposal, offering rash arguments as to why he's not ready. Little does he know, QiaoQiao has a devastating secret. Nonetheless, they write a break-up contract; if they're both single in five years, they'll get married. The two part ways and five years pass. Believing Li Xing is still waiting for her, QiaoQiao waits patiently ...