Pahiram ng Sandali or Chasing Moments is a Filipino drama series created by Suzette Doctolero, developed by Aloy Adlawan and produced by GMA Network. It premiered on November 26, 2012 replacing Coffee Prince on GMA Telebabad block and November 27, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. It banners Dingdong Dantes, Lorna Tolentino, Christopher de Leon and Max Collins as the four main characters. The series is under the direction of Maryo J. delos Reyes. The show is part of the network's line-up of prim...
Reel Love: Tween Hearts is a Filipino youth-oriented series created by Kit Villanueva – Langit, under the direction of Gina Alajar and produced by GMA Network. It features the network's homegrown tween stars headed by Barbie Forteza, Joshua Dionisio, Bea Binene and Jake Vargas. The series premiered September 26, 2010. The show has been extend three times and now on its fourth season. Over its course, the cast has been growing and extending compared to the original main cast. Originally slated t...
Ikaw Lang Ang Mamahalin is a remake of the 2001 primetime television series of the same title. Produced by GMA Network, the 2011 version stars Barbie Forteza, Joshua Dionisio, Joyce Ching and Kristofer Martin and directed by Roderick Lindayag. It premiered last October 10, 2011 replacing Sinner or Saint in GMA's Afternoon Prime block. The Series maintains a High-Rating lead on the Afternoon schedule. The series concluded on February 10, 2012, it ran for 18 weeks with 90 episodes in all. It was...
Kahit Nasaan Ka Man or Wherever You Are is a Filipino drama series broadcast by GMA Network starring Julie Anne San Jose, Kristoffer Martin and Lucho Ayala. It is set to premiere on September 23, 2013 replacing Anna Karenina on the network's primetime GMA Telebabad block and worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV on September 24, 2013....
Munting Heredera or Little Heiress is a Filipino family-oriented drama series created and developed by Maryo J. de los Reyes for GMA Network. Playing the lead role of Doña Anastacia, a rich widow in search of her "munting heredera", is the multi-award winning actress and one of the original Queens of Philippine cinema, Gloria Romero, making her television debut. The show was first shown on May 9, 2011, replacing Dwarfina on GMA Network and on May 11, 2011, on GMA Pinoy TV. Worldwide, via GMA Pi...
The fifth season of Pepito Manaloto is the continuing comedic chronicle of the life of Pepito Manaloto, a lucky multimillion lotto winner, his family, and the merry mix of neighbors and colleagues. The program reflects the humorous realities of everyday Filipino life, highlighting family values that help the lead characters to face challenges with optimism, and celebrating the special, happy moments - big or small- that we all aspire to share with our loved ones. Set in the present-day, the st...
Kung Fu Kids is the first locally produced live-action fantasy series which tell the story of seven kids of different personalities united by a prophecy. The series used the song Kung Fu Fighting on its series teaser. It began airing on January 28, 2008 back to back with Palos and Lobo, as part of ABS-CBN's new primetime block....
Ligaw na Bulaklak is an afternoon series of ABS-CBN based on 1957 film Mga Ligaw Na Bulaklak, replacing Prinsesa ng Banyera on May 26, 2008. The Afternoon Soap uses elements from the 1976 film which originally starred Alma Moreno and is also based on the story by Edgardo M Reyes....
Victor Magtanggol is a 2018 Philippine television drama action-fantasy series broadcast by GMA Network. The series is inspired by Norse mythology...
Minerva Henerala is a softhearted and dedicated high school teacher who loves her students despite their naughtiness inside the classroom. Years ago, she lost her mother and sister to a tragic archaeological accident. At the same site, she had a close encounter with mythical glowing winged-creatures and shapeshifters called Tamawo, and she grew up believing that they exist among humans. As the years go by, the Tamawos abduct children to feed on their youthful energy. Now it is up to Minerva's al...
The film set in a decadent world where even death becomes a provider. In a country where a cadaver may serve as license for holding a sakla operation (illegal gambling) in wakes, people may exploit the dead in order to generate income from the profits of gambling, and possibly pay for its burial. In Oros, a funeral parlor owner sells an unidentified body to Makoy, a kasero in a saklaan, who, along with his reluctant brother, Abet, set the stage for a three-week long fake wake holding the illeg...