High Priestess is a 2019 thriller ZEE5 Original starring Amala Akkineni, Kishore Kumar, Varalakshmi and others. The story revolves around Swathi Reddy, a tarot card reader and psychic, who deals with peculiar cases and clients that make her experience supernatural powers around her. A suspense thriller Telugu Original, High Priestess, is on ZEE5!...
Set during the lockdown, Umayal Karthika deciding to spend time at a 100-year-old unkempt library in a bid to divert and heal from a heartbreak. From the sea of books, she picks up Karungaapiyam and with her reading different chapters, and her imagination about the stories comes to life....
Kiran gets his dad's property and decides to turn it into a hotel. Intriguingly, all the customers who come to stay there, dies inexplicably. What's happening?...
After being sexually assaulted, a woman realises that the perpetrators are people in power. Battling mental agony, she is now forced to fight social stigma....
A cop, who suffers from family issues, takes up a peculiar suicide case. The plot thickens as similar cases get reported within a span of a few days....