La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well ...
An android is accused of a murder that he has not committed ... A couple lock themselves in a basement to protect themselves from the apocalypse... Impacts of a future seen from today....
Ruth, a young researcher at a college, is invited to the weddings of three of her exes. She enlists the help of her assistant to find a companion for each wedding; will one of them turn out to be her soulmate?...
Plauto, the clown, tells us the story of the Circo de las Alegrías. Doña Alegría, owner of the Circus is determined that her son Palevhi, maintain the classic line of the show, which begs for a complete renovation. During the last years, the Circus has been dragging like a dying man until the threat of bankruptcy and unemployment has led his workers to anguish. One night in September, Palevhi decides to inform the big family of the circus the final closure. Tears of frustration give way to the s...
In a distant future, a mysterious boy becomes the central figure in the search for a new hope. Who is this kid? Why is everyone looking for it? Sometimes it is better not to know certain answers…...
Two brothers, Juan and Richi, once had a duo act, Supergalactic, with a one-off pop hit in the 1990s. When the mayor of their hometown asks them to reunite, the two decide to overlook their differences for one last taste of stardom – and a quick payday. However, their fans, local traditions and hidden agendas complicate their plans...
If you want to know what is Slam, you have to come see it. Freaks, piercings, thongs and a lot of cream. 100% wild....
A man named Alucinio drifts on the Antarctic desert amid a winter storm. He has been betrayed -in dreams- by the woman he loves. When he is about to freeze to death is rescued by a poulterer who will introduce him to the secrets of pornophilosophy. Meanwhile, in Boston, the crazy artist Gropius Cantor and his little sect are getting tear the structure of reality. The space begins to twist on itself with unpredictable consequences for the future of the characters and all mankind. A story full of ...
A first-time nurse must face her fears to end the nightmares she suffers after sedating her first terminal cancer patient....
After more than 300 years in hiding, Dracula's brides, Luna, Adriana and his new apprentice Katya, must team up once again to stop the most diabolical threat from their past, his sister Mina....
Two brothers, Juan and Richi, once had a duo act, Supergalactic, with a one-off pop hit in the 1990s. When the mayor of their hometown asks them to reunite, the two decide to overlook their differences for one last taste of stardom – and a quick payday. However, their fans, local traditions and hidden agendas complicate their plans...
The story of the Balmis Expedition, funded by the King of Spain, to bring the smallpox vaccine to Spanish America....
Eva does everything possible to forget her ex-partner when something happens....
As one of the world's best restaurants opens for its final evening, a couple in the midst of a divorce who made their reservation a year ago (before separating) reunite for a once-in-lifetime meal....
Lone Wolves is about corruption in the high spheres, set in a prison drama and with a black film aesthetic. Lone wolves has a structure similar to Reservoir dogs, where through several episodes we will discover why certain characters ended up in jail....
You're home alone at night. Someone slips a note under the door that says DON'T OPEN THE DOOR TONIGHT. What would you do?...
Noelia survives a zombie holocaust barricaded in her country house. She suspects she is the last person alive, until one day she goes out hunting and encounters a man....