Emma is a sweet and cheerful souvenir merchant who falls deeply in love with Rome, a refined pilot who fights for his love for Emma despite his mother's approval. The couple seem to have the perfect and happy marriage everyone dreams about. But just like any other relationship, problems and issues arise that put their marriage in jeopardy. Home widens his circle with his career success while Emma focuses on taking good care of their family. Amidst career success, Rome meets Georgia, a sexy and a...
Biritera or Diva is a Filipino musical drama created by Jun Lana, written by Agnes Gagelonia-Uligan and produced and aired by GMA Network. The series headlines Angelika dela Cruz, Dennis Trillo, Glaiza de Castro and singing child star Roseanne Magan in the title role. The story centers to the life of a simple little girl whose dream to become a famous singer. In her quest to become a full-fledged biritera, she will also discover the mystery behind her true identity. Directed by Maryo J. de los...
Little Star is a Filipino drama series produced by GMA Network and TAPE Inc.. It stars Jennylyn Mercado, Mark Anthony Fernandez, Lovi Poe and Paolo Contis. This series is directed by Maryo J. Delos Reyes. The show premiered on October 25, 2010 in the Philippines and on October 28, 2010 on GMA Pinoy TV. The series concluded on February 11, 2011 and replaced by Nita Negrita. It ran for 16 weeks with 80 episodes in all....
Magdusa Ka or Misery is a Filipino drama series created by Pablo S. Gomez, developed by Aloy Adlawan and produced by GMA Network, as the eight production of Sine Novela. It headlined Katrina Halili, Dennis Trillo and Iwa Moto as the lead characters and directed by Maryo J. de los Reyes. It is a television adaptation of a popular 1986 Filipino movie of the same title. The series nominated for the 37th International Emmy Awards for Best Telenovela. The series premiered on May 12, 2008 and conclude...
Orphan Carding befriends Army Captain Samuel Corazon, who’s stationed in his town to root out the remaining Huk guerrillas. At the dance hall, Corazon woos dancer Lauriana, and they soon move in together. The two become sort of surrogate parents for the orphan Carding, with Corazon teaching him the ways of men. But the soldier has a dark side, and Carding becomes witness to the violence occurring in their home, and a heinous act committed by the soldier on his common-law wife....
What is the measure of true friendship? Jamir, a devout Muslim, and Lando, a Christian, are among an elite group of young recruits formed by military officers for a classified operation. These impressionable young men would undergo intense and grueling training that put their will and strength of character to the test. Amidst all the hardships, these men set aside their differences and became brothers. But what happens when the institution they have sworn to protect becomes the wedge that will t...
Bigkis is a progressive drama that reveals many of the problems and intense pressure in an overcrowded public maternity hospital. It tells the story of Mariel, an inner-city teen and a member of band faced with the realization of an unwanted pregnancy and its consequences. It also tells the story of Edel, a diligent young hospital attendant who witnesses all the predicament of these unfortunate individuals. This drama takes a straightforward look at the issue of teen pregnancy and single parenti...
The film portrays the true stories of Filipinos, who, due to poverty in their country, are forced to go abroad to look for work, hoping they would find a better life....
A young woman uses her grandmother's tarot cards to find her missing boyfriend....
Manila’s Finest is inspired and based on the life and career of retired Western Police District (WPD) Col. Jimmy Tiu who last served as the Sta. Mesa police station commander of WPD. The film focuses on the dual functions of a city policeman as he inter-acts with the people in his jurisdiction and as an intrepid cop battling criminal elements with guns blazing....
With his funeral parlor about to go out of business and his wife leaving him for good, Lance has become greatly exasperated. He vents all his anger and frustration to his only son, Lester. With no one to turn to, Lester finds comfort in the company of the corpses in the morgue....
A young boy and his three friends are trying to live a normal life, battling their own demons and taking care of their respective families while their fathers are away. Until one day, the phone call that they look forward to everyday, finally never came....